The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@Blooie Kendra's school work looks great! Love the doll wheelchair and her reaction to it:love

@Teila the yard looks so much better with the tree trimming done. That will help get that grass to spread! Your sandy soil sounds like what we had in north FL, no water build up or just disappeared into the sand. We called our place The Sandbox:D

@ronott1 great socks :D

@CapricornFarm come on, you know we're all waiting to see those boots.

Phew, off to a really slow start. Lots on my mind last night and didn't fall asleep until after 4am. It's going to be a very long day.

Lol thanks.

My girls' run stays muddy for forever after rain. :(

@Blooie Kendra's school work looks great! Love the doll wheelchair and her reaction to it:love

@Teila the yard looks so much better with the tree trimming done. That will help get that grass to spread! Your sandy soil sounds like what we had in north FL, no water build up or just disappeared into the sand. We called our place The Sandbox:D

@ronott1 great socks :D

@CapricornFarm come on, you know we're all waiting to see those boots.

Phew, off to a really slow start. Lots on my mind last night and didn't fall asleep until after 4am. It's going to be a very long day.

And FL rains like every few minutes too right? Ha so sandy quick drying soil is good
@Blooie Kendra's school work looks great! Love the doll wheelchair and her reaction to it:love

@Teila the yard looks so much better with the tree trimming done. That will help get that grass to spread! Your sandy soil sounds like what we had in north FL, no water build up or just disappeared into the sand. We called our place The Sandbox:D

@ronott1 great socks :D

@CapricornFarm come on, you know we're all waiting to see those boots.

Phew, off to a really slow start. Lots on my mind last night and didn't fall asleep until after 4am. It's going to be a very long day.
Too busy planning menus in your head?
Ok, i am up and semi functional.
I am proud. She works so hard, and enjoys every minute of it. She's been reading for a long time now...she's known her alphabet since she was 2 and could spot the letters - and numbers - no matter what order or font they were in. One day she was sitting here at the table with her pencil and paper drawing shapes. She drew one, then looked at me and said, "Trapezoid." After I picked myself up off the floor, I had to look it up. She was right! She just won't converse! <sigh> But we'll get there.

After seeing these papers, I've decided to try an experiment. I'll show her a cookie, for instance, then show her how to write it out. As soon as she does, and sounds out the word as she writes it (which she usually does), she'll get the cookie. Same with Play-doh, grapes, or milk or whatever else she wants. We can add the verbs and the language fluff later...I want to try to see if she'll communicate using something she loves - written words. Understanding that what I thought - what I wanted or needed - was important enough that those I loved would take the time to read it, was what it took for me. Granted, almost total non-communication is different from a speech impediment, but how will we ever know if we don't try?

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