The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

me too, both in the same day, both something i said i would NEVER do but i survived both, but to this day i love the horses, if younger would still have one, i rode western and bareback like you, no english of dressage for me tho, i even had a mini black stallion and a mini paint mare for about 4 or 5 years after the big mare that hurt me but had to give them up when we retired and traveled to fl every winter.
guess i was lucky, they thought she had broken my spine, wouldn't listen to me that just leave me alone, that i was bruised and hurting, nothing was broken ( theres a good purpose in fat):lau:gig
Last time I got thrown was about in 2000... Riding my mare out by the arena.... She forgot I was on her back and went EEEeeeeewwww Twirled her head and swapped ends with a sunfish ending.... I staid on till she landed and hopped. Hung on the reins as I went down so the reins started me rolling.... She ran off.... For her that was about 20 yards :gigdraft horses are like that... lots of scoot then they forget why they were scooting.... I honestly think she forgot I was on her back and I am the queen of fluffy.

It was a good landing I only pulled a teeny muscle in my shoulder but I would never want to watch it on slow mo replay.....:lol:

DH and I went on a bit of a road trip yesterday to have a look at the show home for the transportable house we found (that doesn't cost the earth) and we loved it! Was well worth the long drive (thankfully my parents could look after the kids). Now we just have to get some quotes to figure out how much the rest of it will cost and whether we can afford it, and look at a couple of properties if we think it's possible. And then there's the issue of where on earth we will live until its ready (with all our pets in tow) which, if we can get the consents finalised before Christmas, would be May. It makes sense for us to stay in Auckland so DH can keep working so we'll see what we can come up with.
Good luck!
Last time I got thrown was about in 2000... Riding my mare out by the arena.... She forgot I was on her back and went EEEeeeeewwww Twirled her head and swapped ends with a sunfish ending.... I staid on till she landed and hopped. Hung on the reins as I went down so the reins started me rolling.... She ran off.... For her that was about 20 yards :gigdraft horses are like that... lots of scoot then they forget why they were scooting.... I honestly think she forgot I was on her back and I am the queen of fluffy.

It was a good landing I only pulled a teeny muscle in my shoulder but I would never want to watch it on slow mo replay.....:lol:

Good luck @JaeG!! Definitely harder with a bunch of animals. It isn't like you have a single cat to house in the interim. But here is a potential idea. IF there is enough land AND it is allowed, you could buy a used travel trailer and live in it on the property while the house is being erected. A friend of mine did that when they had a second floor added to their house. He fixed up the small things that needed fixing and sold it in better shape than he bought it when the house was done. Seems like pretty cheap "rent" and your animals wouldn't be a problem to a landlord.

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