The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Apparently Sean. :lau

And hmmm that’s true!!! But still seems like a lot!! Lol although I guess they don’t have grass up there??
Yep.... Chaparal has some food value but We Feed dry lot 24/7. I talked to one of the bording facilites owners and asked her why she doesnt charge more to feed drafts.... She laughed.... I got a couple of thoroughbreds in the barn that each eat more than Katee does.

Has to do with fast twitch muscle and slow twitch muscle... One is for speed one is for Strenght....

Congrats on the sale! I sold 4 chickens in the last 2 days, and today I have a lady that says she wants 2 bunnies at the next swap. Yay!
thanks cap, i sold two hens yesterday at a swap, was sooooo hot not many people showed up and we left early . i do have a man interested in buying a trio of my chocolate-silver chocolate birchen orpingtons too, may we both get lucky:fl:fl
Hmm, that’s interesting. Thanks. They sure do sound feed thrifty! Haha I want some eventually but they’re so expensive to buy. :hit from what I’ve read, I think Shetland sheep are a little more thrifty than the modern breeds and easier on the environment because they are an older breed and smaller and lighter too. But I don’t know for sure. I’ve been thinking of getting some or some goats or something. But first up is quail. What I really want is a horse eventually but they’re way too expensive so thinking of starting with lessons and/or leasing. But wasn’t sure if mini horses would maybe be any less expensive. Probably not.

We have almost 3 acres though and a lot of grass so I think plenty of room for animals ha a lot of it is woods too but the yard itself is huge. I almost wonder if I could maybe grow some hay or something for them myself. Even if it was only a small amount it would probably still be that much less that I would have to buy.

They would definitely have tons of grass though.

Don’t really know anything about the tractor bit or what that one tractor is is so I’ll leave that to someone else to reply to. :lau :oops:
Mini horses are Air ferns.... You have to watch their weight Carefully There are special muzzles designed just for minis so they dont founder on fresh spring grass.

Horse husbandry is far and above Opening a gate and letting them graze on what is there. different breeds have different needs.... Most Ranch horses not so much They are used to being turned out for the winter and brought in in the spring... Some dont make it The rest are Very hearty.

Arabs are air ferns as well.... Efficient foragers
Thorougbreds and crosses .... a little more delicate in some ways but difficult for some to keep weight on.
Drafts Air ferns if they are not working.... Then High powered eaters if they are... I dont feed grain or alfalfa... Because she is not working....
Mules are awesome and often times get the best of both breeds... Sensitive and intelligent you gain their trust and there is nothing the two of you cant do.... Air ferns easily could live off the chaparal here... They stay fat on Oathay....

Founder can be feed related or illness related
Navicular can be hereditary or precussion related
Equine Polysaccaride Storage Myopia.... Slow twitch muscle disease Lots of horses go to the feed lot because they have it.... Cureable if caught but it takes a biopsy...
Hereditary and takes a diet change a major one. It hides in a common disease called "tying up".

Tying up.... often called Monday morning illness. Horses worked hard through the week are given a rest... By Monday morning Their urine is brown and their muscles have locked in certain places. rest and gentle turn out.

Not all horses get these

Sorry for the info dump.... 50 years of living with horses tends to make one research.

Haha I want some eventually but they’re so expensive to buy.
Not any more. Check Craig's List.

She laughed.... I got a couple of thoroughbreds in the barn that each eat more than Katee does.
No surprise! When we bought this place there was a lady boarding 2 horses and a pony here. One of the horses was a Thoroughbred. He was huge and beautiful. She showed me pictures of what he looked like when she got him from some people who said they couldn't get weight on him. Seriously bony. Her opinion was they didn't realize how many calories he burned just standing and breathing and didn't feed him near enough.
That is part of why I didn't go pick up hay today. No way can I unload it and put it up in the loft by myself. Plus this Lyme Disease has me tired.
But I hope to put the California valley quail in their new cage tonight.
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Once I move it, the roof will go on.
Is the lyme disease a new diagnosis?
Are you on antibiotics? My friend had lyme and is still dealing with it many years later. Scary stuff!
Yes, and those antibiotics cause you to be very light sensitive and burn easily. I was given 21 days worth, but I think you need at least a month on them.

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