The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good afternoon all. I had to go to the bank today. My grandson spilled liquid on my account info and receipts, the website wouldn't work, and I changed my phone number so the phone system freaked out because it didn't recognize me. I swore a bit on the drive up there 🙃 Hope you all have a great evening. We're going to brave not cooking tonight so if you don't hear from me we didn't make it.
I'm late for Bob's BDay party!! I guess the cake is all gone.
Hope you had a happy BDay, what did Sue get you?

I don't care for their clothes
I get my Champion socks and underwear at Costco. Haven't looked at any of their other clothes other than winter gloves. Have a nice pair of those.

There are Amazon stores
:th Amazon has PHYSICAL stores????

Costco was open so was able to get some very nicely prices gas today! For CA it is very low at 2.29 per gallon
Until a few weeks ago $2.29/gallon would have been cheap here! I got gas Thursday last week for $1.94, gas is $0.05 off on Thursdays.

It is very cheap and we can’t go anywhere! I hope it stays that price after life returns to normal.
Don't bet on it. One of the reasons it is so cheap is because no one is driving. The polluted air in big cities is clearing! Soon as everyone goes back to "normal" gas will go up. Too bade we don't all have buried 500 gallon tanks we could fill. Of course it would be real stale by the time I used it up.

It's a lot harder to stay awake now
Yep. I usually crash for some period of time in the later morning or early afternoon.

We are now moving into our dry time. We will not hear rain for about 6 months now.

I read an article today that said the Western United states has been in an historic drought for 20 years now. These droughts can last 100 years! It also turns out that last century was an unusually wet period for the western US. The conclusion was that we need to do something to conserve water over here!
Oh, conserving water, I bet no one in CA has ever heard of that :lol
My understanding is that when Bend, OR was settled the prior few years had been bumper crop for rain so it looked fertile. Then they found out they created a town in a near desert. Oh well, too late to change that!
My brother doesn't worry about gas prices - he has a Tesla but, it's a jump on his electric bill.
Now that he is working at home he doesn't drive as much - except to go out for lunch. Lucky him. I told him to stop telling me what he ate.

I am sheltering in place no car. After my 10 mile round trip to the bank a couple weeks ago (blisters still not healing as well as they should) no more walks.

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