The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Beautiful egg, congrats!

Goats love Kudzu! When I kept goats years ago, I was always stopping by the side of the road and collecting foliage and such for them. (The goats had consumed every last living and nonliving morsel in the yard :D ) I swear, people must have drove past and wondered what the heck this lady was doing! :lol:
I am always doing some weird thing. People come to expect it. Cut grass for the rabbit mama too. I cut branches for the goats twice a day.
Will you take the extra pigs to the auction when they're older? Nice amount of produce you're getting there Sharron!

Good luck on your scavenger hunt Leyla! (That's what if feels like at our store, you never know what you'll have to substitute for the things they're out of.)
probably not debby, wouldn't get anything there for them, better off to eat the males our selves and keep trying to find a buyer for the little females
Cap, can you share the kids pictures here too so the folks here could see them? They're really cute!

The escape goat.
Boots, formerly Clover

Misty thinks she's in charge!


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