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My Sis has an ACD. She says hers never wags her tail. Does your pack wag their tails?
Not as much as our other two dogs but it's strange as they will line up shoulder to shoulder and their tails will do a synchronized wag. Mainly they use their tails as rudders when they run or swim. We've noticed with our that as they mature their tails are thickening and growing stronger.

Morning everyone. Another bright and sunny late summer day here in beautiful Missouri. Woke up to temps in the low 50s and as we enjoyed our first cup of coffee I told DH it was just about time for our annual right of the stove pipes out. Yuck. We do it every year about the first weeks of September as by the end of the month it will be cool enough in the house to light a morning fire.
It's pretty mind boggling to think that this time last month I was going out at 8PM to check the food and water and lock up he birds. Now it's dark at 8pm and I'm going out at 7 to get my work done.

Before we know it winter will be here.

Not as much as our other two dogs but it's strange as they will line up shoulder to shoulder and their tails will do a synchronized wag. Mainly they use their tails as rudders when they run or swim. We've noticed with our that as they mature their tails are thickening and growing stronger.

Morning everyone. Another bright and sunny late summer day here in beautiful Missouri. Woke up to temps in the low 50s and as we enjoyed our first cup of coffee I told DH it was just about time for our annual right of the stove pipes out. Yuck. We do it every year about the first weeks of September as by the end of the month it will be cool enough in the house to light a morning fire.
It's pretty mind boggling to think that this time last month I was going out at 8PM to check the food and water and lock up he birds. Now it's dark at 8pm and I'm going out at 7 to get my work done.

Before we know it winter will be here.
I hope we have gradual temperature changes, I would enjoy some 70° weather instead of 90 or 40.
Oh my goodness! Finally .. someone that knows this breed of dog! I see so many for sale around here, and families are buying them. They end up in the pound because folks weren't aware of how protective they can be of the family. These dogs aren't just watch dogs, they are guard dogs. Some dogs will actually chase the family's small child.. herding instinct..and nip..or bite their child as it ran. Had two attack my sister's mother in law in a park..tore her legs up. Had one of our neighbors dog come running at my boy one day..thank goodness he knew his name, as I said the dogs name to my co:goodpost::goodpost:mes son calls a cherfull little voice. That dog had the hair on the back of his neck up, ready to attack..with owner running behind, he had gotten loose, but when he heard his name yelled our, he put the brakes on as I was reaching for my boy. All apologetic the owner grabbed him and took him home. I'm thinking my hair was standing up on the back of my neck! Glad my son repeated his name. Thought a friendly dog was running to him. They do best on ranches, or large properties. Not all are like this, but one more. One of our daughter's got one. Neighbor kid chased her son, this dog bit the neighbors kid. Very protective, or .. your photo.
:goodpost: Yep, that pretty well describes ACDs. We have to keep our cats completely away from the 'gang of 5' as they have beat up just about every cat we own and the stupid cats don't have the common sense God gave a worm and won't stay away from them. First rule of cattle dog ownership is, if you have kids teach them to never run around them or they will certainly get herded. Second rule, is hide the smaller pets. ACDs will think they are chew toys and nothing good will come from it. OH! A stuffed toy that moves! Catch it and then make it yours!

Our stupid cats remember Dingo, who loved cats and so they think the pups should love them also. BIG mistake.Dingo never met a stranger. These 5 dogs are ultra protective, which being older now and living out in the sticks isn't necessarily a bad thing. An early warning system is always appreciated.

@superchemicalgirl, amazing story is all I can say. Not many people would rise to the challenge especially considering your career choice. But then, considering the stress involved with being a pharmacist, understandable that you would do something that you would enjoy and that doesn't deal with medicine. Plus the service you do to preserving the legacy that is our cemetaries.
I feel for you, Penny. I HATE breaking in and training a new doctor.

I also forgot...our cattle dogs smile. BIG toothy grins from ear to ear. Ben has also taught himself to run full blast at us and jump into our arms. Thank God he only weighs between 25 and 30 pounds cause I'm stretching my lifting limit every time he does it. Still it is so much fun when he does. I told him he was going to be our trained circus dog.

We finally got our wood finished.:wee:celebrate:yaat least until next spring when it starts all over again.
Off to get our little dog groomed..bright and early. Then picking up a pretty rocker/recliner.
He's sitting funny in one. ?? Our Cooper.

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