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It will be ok. In a couple days, all the supplies will be in, and he's going to re-do our irrigation system. That will keep him busy for a day or three.
It is normal for us to mow at this time of the year. We will likely need to run the AC soon too
According to the weather reports, starting Wed. all through until the end of next week, we should see some rain. I hope it doesn't do like before, and we only get about 10 minutes of a light mist.

All the neighbors have been laughing at Dh. Normally, we get quite a bit of rain. Our driveway was a bit low, so after a week of cars going in, and out, it began to look more like a mud bog. Not deep, but fairly large, and all the grass torn up. Last year, he had dirt delivered, and tractor work to help elevate that area. Then, he had crushed asphalt delivered, and smoothed on top of that. It looks great, and our driveway area is high, and dry. The reason the neighbors are laughing, is that we've not had much rain, since he got the driveway done.
That happens!

Still, it is good to get the driveway taken care of
This is the little monster. His name is Piggy. When he was but a fluffball he would fall asleep in the food dish. The polish is his girlfriend, Fancy. Piggy’s beak is a little skewed to the side, kind of like a boxer who’s taken too many punches. I think he got squashed, either in the egg or soon after hatching. He’s the fiercest rooster. Maddy thinks he’s hilarious and carries him all over the place. She has also threatened to dress him up if he doesn’t behave.


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I have two roosters and 14 littles. One rooster is sweet and cuddly, the other is a jerk. Every time I go outside he hurls himself at me like a furry cannonball. So I pick him up and give him snuggles. Absolutely drives him insane! 🤣
Sounds like you need to give him a pot, some broth and a few vegetables!

It is normal for us to mow at this time of the year. We will likely need to run the AC soon too
I better get my mower ready, might need it in a month.

I can picture her doing that.
I can't because she's grown into a young lady and we have no recent pictures ;)

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