The Old Folks Home

Everyone started working early to put up the kids' trampoline. It's in the shade, but got up to 94 outside today, so there were lots of breaks to cool off. The kids handle it pretty well, and when they get too hot, they jump in the pool. It's almost done. Dd #1 is putting the finishing touches on it now. It looks really good, and seems to have great safety features.

I hope everyone had a good Easter.
94... Snowed here couple days ago..I like 94.
With Dh's retirement approaching, I set out to find us a nice home, with a decent parcel of land that we could do some gardening, and raise chickens. I didn't want a huge amount of land at our age, since it all has to be maintained. The coop was built with ease-of-use in mind, so it would be easier to keep my chickens in my advanced age. With "town" being further away, than where we lived previously, I changed my shopping habits. We have a hurricane season every year. Some things were already here in regards to emergency preparedness for the home, and some we've added. When we moved in here, I set out to make it a home we could enjoy, and be our refuge too. For the most part, I think I've hit the mark pretty good. Like penny, we love our home. Staying home, and social distancing aren't that big of a deal to us.

I have family, and friends, however, that their attitudes about their homes, are that it's a place to "be" for eating sometimes, if they don't go out to eat, for bathing, for relaxing, watching tv, or getting on social media for a bit, for sleeping, and for entertaining in sometimes, but they've never really made it a place they could enjoy "staying" in. Not being able to get out, and about is driving them stir crazy. It's not their refuge. To me, that's sad really.
Life on the farm keeps one plenty busy. I moved to the country to have a garden and everything that goes with it, like canning and freezing. Folks joked I was a prepper because I have a garage freezer and three pantries.
Guess who isn't wondering if they picked up the virus in the grocery store because there has been no need to go? Kind of like the Aesop fable of the grasshopper and the ant.
The trampoline is up. The kids got to test it out, before it got dark. They slept in the tent last night too. They had a big day yesterday, and were too excited to go to bed early, so we let them stay up pretty late. They're still sleeping.

I had ordered a Johnny Apple Peeler. Yesterday, I got to try it out. It's FANTASTIC! I started with peeling, slicing, and coring apples, on the factory setting. I went through a bag of apples in no time. I decided we were having mashed potatoes for supper, and adjusted it, to peel potatoes. I did reduce the tension on the arm, slightly. It went through 5 # of potatoes lightning fast. When there was just Dh, and me, I didn't really see the need for one. With 6 of us, it's a time saving device, that's well worth the expense.
With Dh's retirement approaching, I set out to find us a nice home, with a decent parcel of land that we could do some gardening, and raise chickens. I didn't want a huge amount of land at our age, since it all has to be maintained. The coop was built with ease-of-use in mind, so it would be easier to keep my chickens in my advanced age. With "town" being further away, than where we lived previously, I changed my shopping habits. We have a hurricane season every year. Some things were already here in regards to emergency preparedness for the home, and some we've added. When we moved in here, I set out to make it a home we could enjoy, and be our refuge too. For the most part, I think I've hit the mark pretty good. Like penny, we love our home. Staying home, and social distancing aren't that big of a deal to us.

I have family, and friends, however, that their attitudes about their homes, are that it's a place to "be" for eating sometimes, if they don't go out to eat, for bathing, for relaxing, watching tv, or getting on social media for a bit, for sleeping, and for entertaining in sometimes, but they've never really made it a place they could enjoy "staying" in. Not being able to get out, and about is driving them stir crazy. It's not their refuge. To me, that's sad really.
I shop once a week anyway so is always looks like I am a hoarder!

We live close to stores though. Costco is less than 2 miles away.
The trampoline is up. The kids got to test it out, before it got dark. They slept in the tent last night too. They had a big day yesterday, and were too excited to go to bed early, so we let them stay up pretty late. They're still sleeping.

I had ordered a Johnny Apple Peeler. Yesterday, I got to try it out. It's FANTASTIC! I started with peeling, slicing, and coring apples, on the factory setting. I went through a bag of apples in no time. I decided we were having mashed potatoes for supper, and adjusted it, to peel potatoes. I did reduce the tension on the arm, slightly. It went through 5 # of potatoes lightning fast. When there was just Dh, and me, I didn't really see the need for one. With 6 of us, it's a time saving device, that's well worth the expense.
I have an apple peeler and corer from pampered chef. It is amazing how many apples you can go through! I do not use it for potatoes though
Funny for the day...

Surviving Lock Down

Day 1 - I can do this! Got enough food and wine to last a month.

Day 2 - Opening 8th bottle of wine - I fear wine supply may not last!

Day 3 - Strawberries ... some have 210 seeds, some 235 seeds ... who knew?

Day 4 - 8PM - removed day pajamas and put on night pajamas.

Day 5 - Tried to make hand sanitizer - it came out as Jello shots.

Day 6 - I get to take the garbage out - I'm so excited, I don't know what to wear!

Day 7 - Laughing way too much at my own jokes.

Day 8 - Went to a new restaurant, "The Kitchen". You have to gather all ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business.

Day 9 - I put liquor bottles in every room. Tonight I'm getting dressed up to go bar hopping!

Day 10 - Struck up a conversation with a spider today - seems nice - he's a web designer.

Day 11 - Isolation is hard. I swear my fridge just said, "What the hell do you want now?"

Day 12 - I realized why my dogs get so excited about something moving outside, going for walks or car rides - I think I just barked at a squirrel.

Day 13 - If you keep a glass of wine in each hand, you can't accidentally touch your face.

Day 14 - Watched the birds fight over a worm. Cardinals lead the Bluejays, 3-1.

Day 15 - Anybody else feel like they've cooked dinner about 365 times this month?

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