The Old Folks Home

There is a bar/restaurant in town that is doing sales of staples (what they used to get for their restaurant).

We are going to try them... I order by Wednesday, get it on Friday... a 50# bag of flour.

We are also getting 20# of pork butt, and some other stuff.

Buying "restaurant size" works for us. :lau
How are your sons doing Al?
How are your sons doing Al?
They are all home..

Eldest is fine, doesn't change his life much...except that our church services are now taped for the world to see.... (his singing voice...uh......) :idunno sadly, the 2 others there (each in their 10 foot bubble... 10 feet distance for singers and chantors) are not all that musically gifted either. I feel bad for people not used to our bad singing tuning in.

Second kid...for him it is HARD. He is super social, and is now isolated. He was asking if he could sneak out and visit with perfectly healthy people and I told him no. Not worth the risk since this virus would probably kill his brother (kid 3, asthma and allergy kid)

Kid 3's entire life changed too ... he just bought his very first vehicle.... and he no longer gets to work. :barnie luckily.... he bought a $500 truck... but still, super sucks for him with no income any more... the truck needs a new windshield....but now he has no income... just frustrating.

Kids 4 and 5 haven't had as big of life changes.
He was asking if he could sneak out and visit with perfectly healthy people and I told him no.

This thing will make anyone paranoid. One of the most insidious things about it is that what may seem to be perfectly healthy people can be shedding virus; I've heard that perhaps 25-50% of "infected" people may have no symptoms at all.
This thing will make anyone paranoid. One of the most insidious things about it is that what may seem to be perfectly healthy people can be shedding virus; I've heard that perhaps 25-50% of "infected" people may have no symptoms at all.

Which sure is worrisome.

I wouldn't be as worried about us getting it.... except for kid 3.

With him...sheesh... we might be isolating until the vaccine comes out... which is what.. a year? 2?
Raining here like crazy also. Sucks in my garage with steel roof. I can't even hear a radio. Should be quiet if I ever get around to insulating it.
When I had the barn with the steel roof, I swear you could hear fog on it.

We however are out of flour.

Several of my baker friends are now buying flour from King Arthur Flour. Apparently some pretty good deals, but I haven't checked.

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Funny for the day....
wash your hands.jpg
This thing will make anyone paranoid. One of the most insidious things about it is that what may seem to be perfectly healthy people can be shedding virus; I've heard that perhaps 25-50% of "infected" people may have no symptoms at all.
The number from the small town in Italy that tested everyone was 45%. Yeah that is scary, the testing needs to ramp up to include everyone so those that are infected KNOW that they MUST stay away from everyone.

Of course even that doesn't solve the problem. Apparently someone who worked at the Rehab place in Burlington where 8 (IIRC) elderly patients have died tested positive and showed up at a gas station/mini mart telling people she tested positive :th. They shut down the station to clean it. No telling how many other places she went spewing virus. As they sy "You can't fix stupid".

Sailor on the USS Theodore Roosevelt died, NPR reported he was a 40 something year old CPO.

On the 10 day forecast, it was suppose to rain tomorrow, but that has now changed. They're saying it will be Thurs. before we get rain. Dadburn it. We are really NEEDING some rain here.
I'm sure @CapricornFarm will be happy to send you some.

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