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Alaskan wants to be a potted plant!

Thanks, chicka!

He's been feeling a lot better today - pretty much his usual self. The weather enforced a lot more rest on him today than he anticipated. It's been relatively cool and cloudy almost all day; we had one thunderstorm roll through this morning. He went out for a while, but got only a little bit done before getting pinned down by another thunderstorm. That one turned into a boundary of rising air that just kept regenerating; after sitting for an hour, he came home. A little rain he could and would have worked through, but these storms had a lot of lightning. He said, "I could just see the headline, "Sunstroke Victim Gets Struck by Lightning." When the mess finally cleared out late in the afternoon, he tried again; we don't get many daylight hours in the low 70's at this time of year. So he's feeling pretty good, he got some work done, which keeps him pretty much on schedule, and that feels good, too.
It's great that he's feeling better and taking it easy. Hopefully he will be able to get his chores done while it is still in the 70's!

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