The Old Folks Home

The door is a PulletShut. Two options to set "open/close" times:
  1. Use the photo cell
  2. Open the door with the magnet in the morning, close it with the magnet in the evening, that sets the schedule until you clear and reset it. This isn't difficult but it requires one to modify it any number of times during the year.

The barn alley (70' long) is their enclosed run and the auto door opens into it from the converted horse stall. And we do lock them in there if we are gone for a time during the day. The spoiled free ranging girls hate being locked in there! In fact, they hate being "locked" in the field behind the barn too (and the fence isn't high enough to keep them in if they want to be out).

Making the alley predator proof would be difficult given the dirt floor which the chucks have tunneled under and into. And it is an OLD barn, with some fieldstone foundation (chucks moving some of the smaller ones when they tunnel) and some "no longer any foundation". I don't imagine a coon would dig under but finding other openings (and apparently they don't have to be very large) or following a 'chuck tunnel isn't real hard. The tunnels into the alley from the upper part of the barn have not been reopened since I trapped juvenile #3 and the adult. I guess a lot of 1/2" hardware cloth (and MONEY) would solve some of the "not predator proof" problems.

I'm not sure how many "families" of 'chucks I have. I see some out in the timbers in front of the barn on the north side of the house, one has a tunnel under the handicap access ramp on the south side of the house and a 3rd that goes into the lower part of the little barn and has a tunnel down there (bad roof, without some work, it isn't a usable space) that comes out on the south side of the little barn and the ones I dealt with that tunneled under and into the barn alley. I don't know if they all use each other's tunnels or they stay away from each other. They all "dress" the same so it is hard to know if the big one I see in front of the barn is also seen elsewhere. Could be the ones out in the timbers that sometimes dash there or into the upper part of the barn (again dirt floor) or under the front porch of the house are linked into the tunnels I filled with rocks in the southern part of the upper barn. I suspect if I could do a trace of the tunnels I would have quite the Swiss Cheese look. I think I feel softness in places under the horse mats in the stalls when I walk on them.

I don't guess Mel would want to live in my barn?

I used a havaheart trap.

Size 1025 which is for small squirrels.

So..... I was selling 6 pullets today... As we rounded them up, we actually smashed and not quite killed one of the pullets that we were about to sell.

Not kidding.
it got under the ramp and we smashed it.

My son and I looked at the little still breathing and smashed body... Our jaws on the floor..... I mean really now...... How could I be looking at that?


We had a different pullet to substitute for the smushed one...... So I was still able to fill the order and get some money...

And then, with money in my pocket I went to the store to buy cereal for the kids....

While there I ran into a lady that I have sold lots of poultry to.... She asked how
I was doing... I told that I was still a bit shell-shocked after predation by a great horned owl and then a weasel, all in the same week... And that I was really upset about loosing all of my Ameraucana bantam breeders.

Guess what?

Before I went down to Texas I traded her some ducklings for a turkey, and begged her to take two newly hatched chicks for free, so that the kids wouldn't have them to take care of while I was gone...

She said she still had them, that they were now keeping a lone duckling company, but once they were done tending to the duckling...she would be happy to give them back to me for free....... And she that "it was so interesting that they were such different colors from each other"
so... She has a pair of my Ameraucanas!

I actually teared up.... There in the middle of the grocery store.... Dang! I am getting a boy back...for free!!! Even if he looks like poop...I can make that work!!!!!!!

My life reads like a soap opera doesn't it?

Oh wow! Happy news all around. :) So happy for you.

Fire season has started....

Not too close to me... It is right where the Kenai Penninsula starts, at Turnagain arm. I live on the bottom west edge of the Kenai Penninsula near Homer.

Great gorgeous and scary photos though.

Stupid Facebook wouldn't let me copy the link... But the photos are from an ADN news website.




Fire season has started....

Not too close to me... It is right where the Kenai Penninsula starts, at Turnagain arm. I live on the bottom west edge of the Kenai Penninsula near Homer.

Great gorgeous and scary photos though.

Stupid Facebook wouldn't let me copy the link... But the photos are from an ADN news website.

GOOD GRIEF AL!!! Let us know when the earthquake hits and the volcano blows!

Oh, and when the meteorite lands on your chicken coop!
True! :lau

Metorites must be next!!!

(Kid that skinned the weasel... Said "oh, by the way, forgot to tell you... It was a female currently in milk") :barnie :he

Harsh I know... But I sure do pray that those kits are small enough that they die without mom..... I can't imagine having to keep out 12 starving little vampire hotdogs.
We are under an extreme heat warning for the next three days! (maybe four). It's also supposed to be accompanied by high humidity of course. How crazy is that????

Looks like I better get busy on a swamp cooler. Either that or have the DH drag that old window air conditioner out of the shed where we stored it (how many years ago?) and see if it still works.

Just hung a fan up in the coop for the birds and will be loading all their waterers with electrolytes and frozen watermelon.

DH soaked the herb gardens, I harvested the garlic crop but the rest will probably be toast. Actually ok, the weather has been so screwed up nothing has grown properly anyway. Except of course the kale and swiss chard I planted for the chickens.

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Fire season has started....

Not too close to me... It is right where the Kenai Penninsula starts, at Turnagain arm. I live on the bottom west edge of the Kenai Penninsula near Homer.

Great gorgeous and scary photos though.

Stupid Facebook wouldn't let me copy the link... But the photos are from an ADN news website.
I saw this right after reading your post about the fire:

Al, be careful! Fire season is no joke. I'm about to start my logging season four months early this the hottest and driest part of the year. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling that this November is going to be a wet one. Mud has a bad tendency to help break things faster around I'd rather put up with the heat than the muck any day.
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