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Working 3:30pm to 3:30am for the next three weeks. I totally despise working nights... no vacation relief in our department. Trained a few they quit, couple fired, still training one on other jobs here but I don't think it'll pan out. Have a lot to do in the few hrs home awake time I get.
I'd love that shift. :oops:
I don't think I was a real looker at any age so that part doesn't really matter much to

However going back to that point where I could get so much done...I would love it!! I still had pain, but no where like the pain I have now. I'd change everything I've done. I'd certainly not do the work I did. At 25 I had just started the hog barn. I'd quit right there and say NO to everything. I'd also go get a job that was easier on my body. I used to think working hard got you places and was what one was supposed to do. Not take the easy jobs and way out. What an idiot I was. :smackI don't even think I'd farm. I'd move to the city where things are easier. I had wanted to become a vet. Pfft...I wish I'd had more interest in nails and polish back then and just became a nail tech. I'd be so much farther ahead in everything if I'd done that; money, body...probably
Hind sight is 20/20! I would have watched my weight more carefully. I did have an hour glass figure.
I don't even think I'd farm. I'd move to the city where things are easier.
In some ways. Also more stressful being in congestion all the time. Dense population and asphalt aren't all you might imagine.

Now if I had a billion I'd be set !!!
I think I could manage with a LOT less than a billion dollars!
My family moved from rural to city. Hated it. It is not all that and a bag of chips. Neighbors can be a pain. Even after 20 years of city life I wasn't used to the noise, the smells or the people living right next to me. Like rural life better.

I did like working second shift tho. Always liked it when all the 'suits' stampeded to the door at 5pm and quiet ensued.
In some ways. Also more stressful being in congestion all the time. Dense population and asphalt aren't all you might imagine.

I think I could manage with a LOT less than a billion dollars!
That's very true. I lived in the city during the week I showed sheep for many years when that city swelled by 100,000. Any city close to me is rather small.
It can also be very lonely for some as well. I'm a person that can roll with just about anything.

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