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Wicked sorry about your ducks leaving home. :hugs
Maybe you could raise some that don't fly so well or at all. They are very messy.

I tried some but our place was not sutable for them. So we rehomed them to a family that had a pond.
I think I forgot to mention that they were wild ducks, didn't I? :oops: I ended up with the best of both worlds. I got to have the lovely experience of hatching the eggs that would've died. I got to experience the cutie patootie ducklings. And we were lucky enough to see them thrive in the wild on their own.

I really, honestly don't know how I could've managed the mess they make throughout the winter. So I'm glad they grew up to be self proficient. :love I do think about them and I hope they're doing well where ever they are. :fl

I'd definitely have Dh bring eggs home if a wild duck nest gets damaged. However I'll stick with the guineas any day over tame ducks. I can manage guineas through the :p
Good morning!!! :frow

I was just thinking about the ducks. I can't remember if I updated about them. It got a little hairy around harvest

I hatched the four.
View attachment 1187968

They did really well with the chicks they were in with. Ducks are SO!!

View attachment 1187963

They stayed with the chickens in the electric fence where I had a shallow pan for them to rummage in the water. They got along with the chickens really well! Then one night as I was following them in to shut them in the coop, Steve the cat was sitting outside the fence. Two of the ducks took flight into the pasture. I felt really bad because it was at night and I was worried some predator would get them. I got this pics of the last two remaining ducks the next day.

View attachment 1187981

Dh saw two ducks flying over the barn the next day. These two left the day after. But then we saw them living across in the pond across the road! I took the pic below from the combine. They stayed at the pond until everything late fall. One day they were gone, presumably they flew south. :)

View attachment 1187966

awww followin their instinct

thanks for the update
I think I forgot to mention that they were wild ducks, didn't I? :oops: I ended up with the best of both worlds. I got to have the lovely experience of hatching the eggs that would've died. I got to experience the cutie patootie ducklings. And we were lucky enough to see them thrive in the wild on their own.

I really, honestly don't know how I could've managed the mess they make throughout the winter. So I'm glad they grew up to be self proficient. :love I do think about them and I hope they're doing well where ever they are. :fl

I'd definitely have Dh bring eggs home if a wild duck nest gets damaged. However I'll stick with the guineas any day over tame ducks. I can manage guineas through the :p
Perfect scenario.... I am sure there will be other wild ducks that will show them the "road" south....
Wicked sorry about your ducks leaving home. :hugs
Maybe you could raise some that don't fly so well or at all. They are very messy.

I tried some but our place was not sutable for them. So we rehomed them to a family that had a pond.

I had call/mallard crosses my first time with ducks. They flew away and never saw them again. My next foray into ducks started with "What do you have that's too fat to fly?"

I now have ginormous pekins.

They are disgusting but I love them. And they can barely jump let alone think about flying. They will never leave (unless they take the Fox Express out of here)

I think I forgot to mention that they were wild ducks, didn't I? :oops: I ended up with the best of both worlds. I got to have the lovely experience of hatching the eggs that would've died. I got to experience the cutie patootie ducklings. And we were lucky enough to see them thrive in the wild on their own.

I really, honestly don't know how I could've managed the mess they make throughout the winter. So I'm glad they grew up to be self proficient. :love I do think about them and I hope they're doing well where ever they are. :fl

I'd definitely have Dh bring eggs home if a wild duck nest gets damaged. However I'll stick with the guineas any day over tame ducks. I can manage guineas through the :p

The mess in winter is gross - and we have about 6 months of winter. When it gets cold like this (about a week ago here) I take away their tub and they get a small heated dog dish for water and a rubber bucket on days when it's not bad. I refill with a 5 gallon bucket, shlepped from the spigot. Their squirts do build up on the ground, and the water they splash out freezes onto the ground, and usually causes the waterers to freeze to the ground... it's awful but we get a warm day every now and again that I can chip the waterer out and get it fully clean. For a few minutes, anyway.
Yeah... me too, shopping that is... gotta stock up on frozen turkeys while they're at the lowest price. After Thanksgiving, they'll be going back up again. Prob get 4-6 ~14 pounders for the freezer. That'll carry me through to next Thanksgiving. I believe I have one left in there right now. Gotta get the rest of the dinner fixin's at the same time.
I have to do shopping and meal planning for the Holiday this weekend. We are having some Family over this year
Furnace works. No dripping.


I hope you enjoyed a nice hot shower this morning!

I had call/mallard crosses my first time with ducks. They flew away and never saw them again. My next foray into ducks started with "What do you have that's too fat to fly?"

I now have ginormous pekins.

They are disgusting but I love them. And they can barely jump let alone think about flying. They will never leave (unless they take the Fox Express out of here)

The mess in winter is gross - and we have about 6 months of winter. When it gets cold like this (about a week ago here) I take away their tub and they get a small heated dog dish for water and a rubber bucket on days when it's not bad. I refill with a 5 gallon bucket, shlepped from the spigot. Their squirts do build up on the ground, and the water they splash out freezes onto the ground, and usually causes the waterers to freeze to the ground... it's awful but we get a warm day every now and again that I can chip the waterer out and get it fully clean. For a few minutes, anyway.
Oh wow! I don't know how I could've done it. I suppose I could've put them in with the roosters in the big shed. That might've been ok. I have 90 some chickens and 18 guineas in a 12x20 garage coop.
Can you just imagine what that would've been like with ducks? :eek:
Good morning!!! :frow

I was just thinking about the ducks. I can't remember if I updated about them. It got a little hairy around harvest

I hatched the four.
View attachment 1187968

They did really well with the chicks they were in with. Ducks are SO!!

View attachment 1187963

They stayed with the chickens in the electric fence where I had a shallow pan for them to rummage in the water. They got along with the chickens really well! Then one night as I was following them in to shut them in the coop, Steve the cat was sitting outside the fence. Two of the ducks took flight into the pasture. I felt really bad because it was at night and I was worried some predator would get them. I got this pics of the last two remaining ducks the next day.

View attachment 1187981

Dh saw two ducks flying over the barn the next day. These two left the day after. But then we saw them living across in the pond across the road! I took the pic below from the combine. They stayed at the pond until everything late fall. One day they were gone, presumably they flew south. :)

View attachment 1187966
I have seen this story before but do no know if it was here.

It is a great story!

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