The Old Folks Home

Good for you Arielle, if you have a good scout troop, all will be well. And yes, they should certainly cook what they reap! What is the sense of it all if they do not. Perhaps he will have dinner on the table for you some night soon! (and do the dishes!)
My boys are self sufficient on food. THey are pretty handy in the kitchen already. One likes to do all the cooking on Sundays. THey reheat food in microwave; or cook a potato, make oatmeal. Fry up some eggs. SImple things, but a good start. THey are not hungry just because mom can't be there. ANd when they grow the vegies, cooking and eating are the next natural step.Oldest was sent with scissors to cut spinach leaves and came back with lettuce too!
Believe it or not, it happens occasionally, and presents more than the obvious problems. First, one of the first things that a person on PCP will do is shuck clothing (their core temp sores and they can't get cool fast enough.) Now if the person is calm and completely sans, it is easy to tell whether or not he is armed <snicker> but if he only has a shirt, towel, or something else laid across his lap it is a safety concern for the officer. Easiest fix for that is to have him step out of the car.......

I figured it had to happen. One of my most embarrassing days was going through a sobriety checkpoint a number of years ago on Thanksgiving. I had had a really bad canker sore that was rubbing up against the sharp point of one of my canines. I was on my way to my parents which was at least a 3 hour trip. So I took some gauze squares, put some viscous lidocaine on it, and then plopped that in between my teeth and cheek to numb the sore and protect it from scraping against the tooth. It felt wonderful.
Cue sobriety checkpoint, halfway to my parents.
I guess I was drooling and due to the lidocaine couldn't feel the drool or talk really well.
It was a pretty comical exchange between me and the officers.
I always wonder what else you guys get into which probably isn't as benign as canker sores.
My Uncle, now a retired state trooper, had awesome stories to tell. Very entertaining. He was the Hutch to " Starskey and Hutch" and did a lot of undercover work. THat was the first time I every saw what thousands of dollars in cash really looked like , in a plain brown envelope of course. He later worked in a position that he was called for every homicide in the area. Odd and weird stories there too.

HE used to run 5 mi every day. Saw a boy chucking stones at cars, asked him to stop ( this is a small town). On his return the boy was still at it and saw my uncle and took off. Even after 5 miles, my uncle was on his tail and catching up. Over picket fences and under clothes lines, the usual in a residential area. He caught the boy and the kid asked in amazement "How did you catch me?" To which my uncle replied " I grew up in this neighborhood." The obstacles were well known to him as a kid!

My favorite uncle. Always very kind and loves people. Very thought ful. Named my first boy after him.
I was working a job where I picked up people from outlying areas and took them to their appointments in town and then back home. One day there was an unusual amount that were south of town and I went through a very small town to get them. Lots of trips through that town. There was a curve at both ends of the town. It was a hot day, no a/c in the car and late in the day a fly was pestering my feet, so I "squared" off the curve going out of town. I pulled off onto a town road and then the intersecting road and stopped at the stop sign for the highway, opened the door a bit and swatted at the fly to get it out of the car. I noticed a small sack of trash in the middle of the road, didn't think anything about it and went on home.

I was sitting on the patio running water from a hose over my feet and arms to try to get a bit cooler when a highway patrolman walked up wanting to know if "that" car was mine. Yes, why? After a bit of him asking questions I guess he decided I wasn't a druggie and explained that someone had saw me stop, saw the trash (which had empty packages of the drug store stuff they use in drug making) and got my license number and reported it. Alert town.

A few days later, after going through that town late in the day headed home, I encountered what seemed like every law enforcement officer in the county. All headed toward that town, lights and sirens and fast. Sitting on the shoulder of that narrow highway with the car rocking from the air as they passed it seemed they would never all get by. I hope their mission was a success. I never heard what went down.
I was working a job where I picked up people from outlying areas and took them to their appointments in town and then back home. One day there was an unusual amount that were south of town and I went through a very small town to get them. Lots of trips through that town. There was a curve at both ends of the town. It was a hot day, no a/c in the car and late in the day a fly was pestering my feet, so I "squared" off the curve going out of town. I pulled off onto a town road and then the intersecting road and stopped at the stop sign for the highway, opened the door a bit and swatted at the fly to get it out of the car. I noticed a small sack of trash in the middle of the road, didn't think anything about it and went on home.

I was sitting on the patio running water from a hose over my feet and arms to try to get a bit cooler when a highway patrolman walked up wanting to know if "that" car was mine. Yes, why? After a bit of him asking questions I guess he decided I wasn't a druggie and explained that someone had saw me stop, saw the trash (which had empty packages of the drug store stuff they use in drug making) and got my license number and reported it. Alert town.

A few days later, after going through that town late in the day headed home, I encountered what seemed like every law enforcement officer in the county. All headed toward that town, lights and sirens and fast. Sitting on the shoulder of that narrow highway with the car rocking from the air as they passed it seemed they would never all get by. I hope their mission was a success. I never heard what went down.
Nothing in the papers?? Police reports are public record-- you could find out . . . .

Up here the plice got a number of calls, enough for the news to report it on TV, that someone was going around to homes taking photos of people in their yards and of kids apparently. He worked for the government, and was documenting which homes are lived in.

Honestly I find this rather intrusive, and cannot fathom why town records are not enough. Every house pays taxes so there are records of the house. WHy the photos? We seem to be loosing our privacy and rights at a very fast rate.

At school I must provide a picture if I want my children to NOT be published in any pictures.Doesn't that defeat the purpose?? I guard my kids identity like a hawk. Or a mother bear!! lol School should know better!
do i qualify... i have MS which makes me physically in my 60s, personality in my 30's and my parents are at the stage of having to be cared for and checked on... heart failure and beginning alzhiemers (very mild) so moving with them to keep track. but im really only 28
i have a cane lol my current neighbor kids call me the crazy mom with the cane
Of course you can join in!! Actually we are a variety of ages-- more a matter of maturity. I bet you are wicked with a cane!!

Best friend in college married a fellow that had had polio and used a cane. Had a sumer cane and his winter cane ( with spikes) and he sure used it!!
i have my aunts voice (shes a poultry collector a serious chicken junkie) carries very well through the neighborhood. all the kids stop dead when i yell for my daughter or yell cause shes being bad. with my aunt being a chicken junkie and we just starting.. im beginning to see why she is a junkie.. i cant wait to get my hands on my girls.. i really want a lovey tame roo

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