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gryeyes - that is such a cute picture of those goslings with the cute packing peanuts. My packing peanuts look like they are wearing "jail bird" outfits now (black and white stripes).
I think they all have a dot but the boys is a bigger, longer, messier dot that goes down to their neck.
Ah, I see. This is my first time with barred rocks. Can't wait till their stripes come in.
BTW, "Vitamin B" is doing great and no longer needs the vitamins!

Oh how fun! I am waiting for this come this weekend. Tomorrow is lock down. I wonder if the mama hen knows that .
I have several in the incubator that are from the same lady, so due the same day. Mine will go into lockdown tomorrow. I hope she hatches some or all of the four that I have under her. Will be so much fun to watch. Are those ducks I see under your mama? he he...
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Oh how fun! I am waiting for this come this weekend. Tomorrow is lock down. I wonder if the mama hen knows that .
I have several in the incubator that are from the same lady, so due the same day. Mine will go into lockdown tomorrow. I hope she hatches some or all of the four that I have under her. Will be so much fun to watch. Are those ducks I see under your mama? he he...

She is broody 7 or 8 that has already had a hatch this year. Blondie is only 10 months old. But SO HUGE she got Runner/Pekin mix eggs
What a good momma!! I almost didn't see the tiny duck head--Blondie must be VERY large! lol THe perfect momma to warm up everyone.

My son was telling me he had a little adventure out in the wood. Being the caring sort that when he heard poults calling out in the woods, he went to investigate thinking we had poults in trouble and need of assistance. He saw the little poults and then as he looked around, he saw the momma hen. WHo was NOT pleased that this intruder was between her and her brood. SHe rushed at my son, who jumped into action racing away from the irrate hen!!!

Bet he'll remember THAT story for a long time.
The same thing happened to my DS#2. He saw small fuzzies running in the woods, when he went to investigate, he realized they were turkey poults and was confused because they were so far from the coop. Then mom appeared out of nowhere and rushed him with wings flapping and screaming her head off. He turned tail and ran all the way home. When he arrived home, out of breath and wide eyed, he asked, "When did we get turkeys?" At that point, I was confused, because we didn't. It was a wild turkey Momma and her babies!

Mommas of any sort are vigilent!!

My sister had a similar encounter while walking with boy friend in the woods. Only it was tracks of a bear cub they saw. Fresh ones. J say lets get out of here, and they both ran. A while later J couldn't resist and went back to the area: Momma prints on top of their foot prints.

I was working at a zoo of native wildlife about that time and I had a good idea of the damage a baby bears teeth could do-- momma bear's bite is not one I would want to think about.

Mommas can be dangerous. Guess you would experience that with the human kind too.

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