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I sees bees!
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Just another relaxing day on the farm:

Are you transfering the bees to the hive? (sorry if I missed the explanation) It is fascinating.

Long time ago, I lived next door to my land lord and he kept bees at his farm. One day, a swarm landed on a shed at the house behind us. He quickly went into action to catch them. Now that was fascinating to watch! The swarm looked huge to me, there were bees on a tree and all over, but most were on the side and roof of the shed. He had a smoker, a ladder and something to put them in and a little brush. He got the smoker going and gave the mass of bees a good puff of smoke and just brushed them into the container. Kept doing it until he had them all in. He was in his 70's, didn't use a suit, claimed the stings helped his arthritis (don't remember him getting stung).

Hope the hive does well for you so there will be lots of sticky, sweet goodness in your future.

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