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Our 32nd. grandchild was born early this morning. Sophia Joy. It was a quick delivery. Mom woke up at 2, had the baby at 4:55!
Congrats!! I have trouble keeping 6 grandbabies straight, I would never keep up with 32 WTG!!

Thank you...I do believe that mixing our families helped with us having a lot.
When we got married, he had 7, I had 4, then we had one together. His, mine, and ours. :)
Lots of kids, lots of grandchildren happen.
I am so mad I could spit. The sellers suddenly decided they didn't want to sell their property - family members interfered. I told my broker to hold off my signing the sale cancellation for two days, hoping for a chill out session.

But congrats on the addition to your extended family, Cynthia!
Congratulations Cynthia! Wow that is a LOT of grandkids.
DH and I are still waiting on our first. I figure now that his oldest son is back home off deployment and will get to spend time with his wife (who has also just finished her masters degree) we will probably get the wonderful news sometime in the next year that they are pregnant. The other three can wait a while IMO. Two weddings coming up next year though. That will leave my youngest DS the last hold out. I have been telling him he needs to get his school done before getting serious about anyone and so far he is listening.
I am so mad I could spit. The sellers suddenly decided they didn't want to sell their property - family members interfered. I told my broker to hold off my signing the sale cancellation for two days, hoping for a chill out session.

But congrats on the addition to your extended family, Cynthia!
So sorry Linda!
Our 32nd. grandchild was born early this morning. Sophia Joy. It was a quick delivery. Mom woke up at 2, had the baby at 4:55!

Look at that hair!

Sorry, Linda, about your disappointment. I know you went into it kinda quickly, so at least you can look at this as a cooling off period to make sure this is really what you want to do. I had a house that I loved pulled away from me when I was looking, and they kept messing with me - saying I could have it if I just upped my price 10K. Oh, and then pay for this and that. My realtor told me to calm down and go through everything again, and I realized that I was just upping my bid because I wanted it and not because it was worth it. A few months later I found the place I'm in now, for a much better deal and it fit my needs better. Hopefully yours turns out for the better, too.
Congrats Cynthia-- Wow 32 granskids. WOnderful!

Oz-- I'm with you: my kids are my grandkids.

Congratulations Cynthia! Wow that is a LOT of grandkids.
DH and I are still waiting on our first. I figure now that his oldest son is back home off deployment and will get to spend time with his wife (who has also just finished her masters degree) we will probably get the wonderful news sometime in the next year that they are pregnant. The other three can wait a while IMO. Two weddings coming up next year though. That will leave my youngest DS the last hold out. I have been telling him he needs to get his school done before getting serious about anyone and so far he is listening.
Haahaa-- I have planted that same seed. Education FIRST!!
Quote: Oh Linda, hope it all works out for the best. Very disapointing. YOu have a great realtor to work with. Something will work out.

Years ago DH and drove 6 hours to Vt to meet with a realtor, played hookie from work, and reached our destination at about 11 am. A huge parcel with a brook running thru it. Lots of land to walk over. After 2 hours the realtor had the audacity to tell us she has already spent too much time with us and needed to leave.
On our 6 hour drive back, that one factor was the deciding factor. She totally turned us off with that comment.

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