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The weather here... if you don't like it, just wait a few hours, it'll change. We finished with the arctic wind/negative wind chill thankfully. This morning I went out at 0400 to feed/water everyone, took a shower, ate breakfast and went to leave for work and in those 2 hours we had gotten about a half an inch of totally unpredicted snow.

Normally it wouldn't be a big deal but I have practically bald tires on my car that my mechanic warned me to have swapped over to my studded snow tires before the snow flew. My appointment to do that is Saturday. And it wouldn't have been too big of a deal really except when I went around the corner today there were deer in the road. I braked, but the car decided it was going to go sideways into the guardrail and possibly over it into the ditch. So I decided to stop braking, correct the path and just hit the deer. I was incredibly lucky that the deer decided it didn't want to be roadkill and scooted out of the way just prior to me hitting it. I did not have to change my pants afterwards but I did need a renewal of deodorant. I told BF about it when he got to work and he was slightly disappointed. He said he would have called out to dress the deer and take it to the butcher. That's love.

Bunny, welcome back! Your babies are adorable. I forget, are they just pets or breeders... or something more sinister like dinner?
So glad your ok and so is the deer and that your car is ok. Be careful till you get your snow tires....
Thanks tnspursfan! I suffer from (OHS) overly happy syndrome. It is impossible to be sad with bunnies around!

SCG! I am so glad you did not have an accident.It is a good thing that you are getting your tires changed Sat.
It is funny that you asked about the rabbits being dinner. I cannot bring myself to eat rabbits. I thought I was a tough pioneer woman, and about 3 months ago a friend of mine gave me 2 Californian rabbits that were 6 weeks old. I had it in my mind to have my Hubby to kill and dress them for dinner. I guess we are getting to soft, because he doesn't have the heart to kill them and I don't have the heart to eat them. They are about 18 weeks old now and I need to find someone here in NC that would like to have them. I will probably list them on Craigslist for about 10.00 each. They are does. It would make me sick to eat them, I have a very loving attitude for all of my rabbits.

I do show some of my rabbits a few times a year. I only have about 2 or 3 litters a year, and I am particular about the homes they go to. I want them to be cared for and loved. I really handle them a lot for the first 2 or 3 months and they are super sweet babies. I have a really beautiful Jersey Wooly Doe that I am trying to get some babies from. She is really beautiful, but I tried 2 times last summer to get her bred and nothing! I am afraid I won't be able to keep her lineage going if I don't get some offspring from her this summer.

Here is a photo of my 2 best Jersey Wooly does. Nicki is laid back and sweet. Melody is high strung and stuck up!
I couldn't get any babies from either of these cuties. I have to try again this spring.

I have never shown my chickens but I am going to a poultry show this Sat. to show 2 of my chickens. I have no experience with showing my birds.
It will be fun anyhow!

dsgard, what degree are you working towards?

Nicollett above, Melody below.

Dsqard, can't wait to see your pictures. Is the camera much bigger? Will it fit on your tripod?

Bunny, those fluffy things are cute! I wonder if it's like a silkie/cochin/etc where you need to clip the butt area to get a successful mating?
Dsqard, can't wait to see your pictures. Is the camera much bigger? Will it fit on your tripod?

Bunny, those fluffy things are cute! I wonder if it's like a silkie/cochin/etc where you need to clip the butt area to get a successful mating?

As a longtime breeder of Jersey Woolies, I can tell you that no, the wool has nothing to do with it. Small breeds are notorious for not breeding; evidently, nobody told them about the saying, "breeds like rabbits." Sometimes, you can breed a doe successfully for two or three cycles, intend to just give her a little bit of a break, but never get another litter no matter how many times you try!
Thanks tnspursfan! I suffer from (OHS) overly happy syndrome. It is impossible to be sad with bunnies around!

SCG! I am so glad you did not have an accident.It is a good thing that you are getting your tires changed Sat.
It is funny that you asked about the rabbits being dinner. I cannot bring myself to eat rabbits. I thought I was a tough pioneer woman, and about 3 months ago a friend of mine gave me 2 Californian rabbits that were 6 weeks old. I had it in my mind to have my Hubby to kill and dress them for dinner. I guess we are getting to soft, because he doesn't have the heart to kill them and I don't have the heart to eat them. They are about 18 weeks old now and I need to find someone here in NC that would like to have them. I will probably list them on Craigslist for about 10.00 each. They are does. It would make me sick to eat them, I have a very loving attitude for all of my rabbits.

I do show some of my rabbits a few times a year. I only have about 2 or 3 litters a year, and I am particular about the homes they go to. I want them to be cared for and loved. I really handle them a lot for the first 2 or 3 months and they are super sweet babies. I have a really beautiful Jersey Wooly Doe that I am trying to get some babies from. She is really beautiful, but I tried 2 times last summer to get her bred and nothing! I am afraid I won't be able to keep her lineage going if I don't get some offspring from her this summer.

Here is a photo of my 2 best Jersey Wooly does. Nicki is laid back and sweet. Melody is high strung and stuck up!
I couldn't get any babies from either of these cuties. I have to try again this spring.

I have never shown my chickens but I am going to a poultry show this Sat. to show 2 of my chickens. I have no experience with showing my birds.
It will be fun anyhow!

dsgard, what degree are you working towards?

Nicollett above, Melody below.

I saw these and said Awwwwww and hear "No!" from down the hall in the kitchen.
Silly DH.
Bunnymamma~good to see you! Oh, baby bunnies, they are adorable. I love that black one.

SCG..get some new tires..or spikes in the tires, or what ever will keep you safe!

DiDi, you got your Christmas early. So, now you can take some beautiful Christmas photos..snow, if it snows before Christmas, your Christmas tree.....
we want photos. :)
Hi Bunnylady! I agree with you totally. Any of the dwarf rabbits are very difficult to breed. I did get a litter from Nicolette about 2 years ago. I still have one of her bucks. His name is Sam Elliot. Hehe! He is a broken black JW, but he has a bad hind leg. (Some jerk went into my rabbit barn and killed one of my rabbits and broke Sam E's hind leg.) I was so angry! I have tried using him to breed with a nice chestnut doe that I have, but he just can't seem to get his groove on with the bad leg.
I agree that everyone thinks it is easy to get rabbits to breed, but I have more luck with breeding the Holland Lops. You just have to hope that the does are " in the mood" The bucks are always in the mood. I usually trim both my does and bucks wool around their "parts" a few days before I breed them. I think that daylight has a lot to do with success in breeding rabbits. I am going to give Nicolete a little more time outside on nicer days. I'm hoping that the extended daylight and maybe artificial light might do the trick. I talked to another breeder about extending daylight to get a successful breeding. It makes sense.
Hi Cynthia! She is a black otter. Melody only weighs 1 1/2 pounds.
I love my JW's. I'm glad you said Awwww!
BunnyMomma I am working on a bachelor's in business management

I did the exact same thing, finished a year and five months ago. At the time I toyed with continuing on to a Master's ... and then realized how relieved I was to have my life back and chucked that idea pronto :)
Bunnymama, those babies are just adorable, and I love those Jersey Woolies, how beautiful they are! DH just read an article about how horribly Angora rabbits are sometimes treated when their fur is harvested, it was heartbreaking. Here we have only the wild cottontails, but they get a dish of pellets put out in bad weather and we have a wooden box with hay in it for them to hide in when the weather is bad, and after 6 months they actually started using it!

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