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Stay safe and warm guys


Linda, how's the roads over there? Did you get a new car yet?
Roads are great, hasn't been a freezing temp overnight in over a week, maybe two. Well, it MIGHT have hit 32 degrees for an hour just before dawn about 8 days ago... People with cars or other vehicular conveyances have no excuse for any crashes they experience other than unsafe driving practices.

Today, my most frequent driver is going to take me to the feed store for perhaps the last time. I am gonna FILL the gas tank on her pick-em-up truck to take me around to a couple of used car lots within 30 miles to see if I can get something suitable without too much wrangling. I also have some private party options but I kinda resist those "deals," having seen other friends get screwed in those transactions.

Glad to see the Polar Vortex is retreating for all those under its influence of late!
Enough of this polar already!!...
Can we get back to "normal" now?
I feel for you guys that aren't used to the cold. We are used to it..coming and going. But, mostly we are in the 20 or low 30's in the winter..when it hits in the minus, we feel it! So, I would imagine that you that are in the 30's and are used to the 50's or 60's..oh my..what a difference.
Congratulations Cynthia on the newest (soon to be) additions to your family! :weee
I completely understand not being used to the cold weather. Spent too many years in Arizona to be used to the cold and the snow when we first moved up here. This winter has been a little better since it is my fourth full winter in Utah. The first three winters I spent mainly inside as much as I could but this winter I am making myself go outside and do more fun things if it looks like it will be over 30 degrees.
I feel for you guys that aren't used to the cold. We are used to it..coming and going. But, mostly we are in the 20 or low 30's in the winter..when it hits in the minus, we feel it! So, I would imagine that you that are in the 30's and are used to the 50's or 60's..oh my..what a difference.
It is all relative. Mark Twain said: The coldest Winter I ever spent was a Summer in San Francisco!

I have relatives from the SF Bay Area that will not come to the Sacramento Valley in the Summer.
Roads are great, hasn't been a freezing temp overnight in over a week, maybe two. Well, it MIGHT have hit 32 degrees for an hour just before dawn about 8 days ago... People with cars or other vehicular conveyances have no excuse for any crashes they experience other than unsafe driving practices.

Today, my most frequent driver is going to take me to the feed store for perhaps the last time. I am gonna FILL the gas tank on her pick-em-up truck to take me around to a couple of used car lots within 30 miles to see if I can get something suitable without too much wrangling. I also have some private party options but I kinda resist those "deals," having seen other friends get screwed in those transactions.

Glad to see the Polar Vortex is retreating for all those under its influence of late!

Looks like it's looking up there for you. I would reiterate that I love my Suzuki (even if I did slide down the iceway, I mean driveway in it -- an aside - I got called by Irving Oil today while I was at work - they were stuck in my driveway and couldn't deliver my oil) and even though Suzuki went out of business in the USA I'd still recommend their vehicles. All wheel drive, fairly sturdily made, good gas mileage, cheap to own).

It may become an issue to get parts in the future, but right now it's not an issue and Suzuki will continue to operate in Europe and Asia.
Hi everyone! I am catching up again and wanted to say congrats to Cynthia12 on your becoming a GG! That is awesome. Grandkids are the best! It looks like everyone has been doing the same thing as me, trying to stay warm and carrying water to all the animals. I am exhausted!

I love NC, because we usually have mild winters. Baby, not this year. I hope this is not a trend. I am all for global warming if it prevents deep freezes like this! In fact I've been thinking about stomping all of my swirly LED light bulbs and replacing them with the old timey ones! I am going to make a few extra trips to town in my Suburban too!

It looks like the cold is about to break here this week, but some of you are having much worse weather than we are. I honestly don't know how you folks up north stand the brutal cold and deep snow and ice. I would be on the first plane, bus or train to warmer climates!
in the provincial phillipines this is the most common vehicle

850cc mini trucks.

If I was to ever get in one you would need a can opener to get me out

4WD, small so economical gas wise, and a bed? BRING ONE BACK FOR ME NEXT TIME YOU GO!!!

I would rock that. I'd prefer it in black.

BF, on the other hand, is 6 feet 4 and not a small man width wise (but he is an excellent snuggler [and cook]) and does not fit in my Suzuki well. However, it has a 10 gallon tank that I fill once or twice a week... his Silverado on the other hand... gotta swipe your debit card again once you hit $75 so he crams into it without complaining. I think I'm lucky that he can't drive it (it's a manual transmission) or else he'd take it.

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