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My mom used to make potato pancakes from scratch, I think she ate them with sour cream. I never cared for them, too oily. Maybe if buried under Nutella, I would reconsider. I think they have potato pancake mix In the Kosher section of grocery stores. The Matso Ball and soup mix turns out very well but, the soup needs CHICKEN.
I like salmon patties with sour cream.
That is very cold for your area. brrrrr

We are running extra cold this week. Anything below 20 is abnormally cold here. At 20 I can still use outside faucets without resorting to a hairdrier to defrost the frostless faucets. lol

Gave buckets of warm water to the horses. My old mare ignored the bucket, of course, and pushed at her door until she was out ( into paddock) and then out gate to stacked hay bales. Biting snow and hay alternating. WHy argue? I filled a water bucket with snow, packed full and hung it in her stall. NOW she is happy: bite of hay , bite of snow . . .. bite of hay, bite of snow . . .
Nice system!!! Looks like you put some thought into the design!!

We use hoses to get water to the horses usually. At this time of year, the two are detached and pulled up the drive to drain after every use. Sometimes it is faster to just carrie buckets of water . . . and while I"m doing that I remind myself be glad I have a pump to bring up the water!!
When I went out to give some feed to the chickens I tried the hose but it was froze solid... So I just broke the ice in their buckets so they could drink the water. I thought if my hose dripped it would not freeze, NOT! It may thaw out in a couple days if warms up...
And where is Turkeyland?
We're freezing our fluffy chicken butts off down here in balmy South Carolina. It is 21F right now, 830 am. I have been waiting till 9am to let the chooks out of the coop. I also have been taking hot water out to thaw all of the waterers. Enough already!!
Forget the hose, I have to haul water. Which is fine in that ...the hose wouldn't be connected to the hot water tank.
My fermented feed bucket isn't near as bubbly and happy as it has been either. It is on the laundry porch, which is not heated. I'm still making the fermented feed, hoping it will warm up soon.
All of our turnips froze too. I have been pulling them up for forage, what's left of 'em.
Tomorrow, is supposed to be colder. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................
When I went out to give some feed to the chickens I tried the hose but it was froze solid... So I just broke the ice in their buckets so they could drink the water. I thought if my hose dripped it would not freeze, NOT! It may thaw out in a couple days if warms up...
The amount of water that comes out needs to be higher the colder it is. If it gets cold enough, then moving water will freeze.

And where is Turkeyland?
We're freezing our fluffy chicken butts off down here in balmy South Carolina. It is 21F right now, 830 am. I have been waiting till 9am to let the chooks out of the coop. I also have been taking hot water out to thaw all of the waterers. Enough already!!
Forget the hose, I have to haul water. Which is fine in that ...the hose wouldn't be connected to the hot water tank.
My fermented feed bucket isn't near as bubbly and happy as it has been either. It is on the laundry porch, which is not heated. I'm still making the fermented feed, hoping it will warm up soon.
All of our turnips froze too. I have been pulling them up for forage, what's left of 'em.
Tomorrow, is supposed to be colder. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................
I really feel sorry for all of those out in the cold part of the Country. I just can't Imagine!

I hope this will be the last of it.
I have noticed that chickens don't really come with pedigrees not even from high end breeders. Why? Any animal I have bred in the past did (rabbits,dogs,cows,) Just curious.
I liked your question about chicken pedigrees! I have been working on some genetic projects for several years now and I have been keeping records (pedigrees) for my projects. It is not easy to do, so that is why most people do not create pedigrees for their birds. On pedigrees for the birds I am working on, I keep numbered leg bands for each bird. I name each bird and I keep just one rooster with one hen in a roomy pen. Keeping pedigrees for my birds is just a way of keeping up with the quality of offspring that I get from a breeding pair. I only use it for the really special birds that are part of my genetic projects. I use the pedigrees to keep records for any changes that I need to make for a breed. I sometimes can use 2 hens and one rooster in a pen. (If the hens lay different shades of eggs and I can tell who lays the light brown egg as opposed to the darker brown egg.) It is really helpful, but it is a little more work to keep up with. I also have to keep up with the hatching eggs and ID band the chicks for the next generation. After I have reached my goals, I usually stop keeping the records. I'm sure that if I told someone I had a pedigreed chicken, they would probably give me the "You are Crazy" look! LOL!
Oh, well! Maybe they are right!

Hi everyone! I am playing catch up again! I have missed so much. I enjoyed the "tater cake" posts! I like to eat my tater cakes with homemade applebutter.
Hopefully this cold snap will let up soon and things will get back to normal. I wish someone would invent a non-kinking garden hose!
omg..I just found a Bassett Hound in my back bedroom!! She apparently crawled through a hole in the floor of another bedroom (which we havn't fixed yet), and has been in the house for 2 days now! Neighbor lady has been looking all over for her too!! I called the neighbor lady up, and she was so happy I found her doggie. I never heard anything till this morning.
tnspursfan You mean my mother didn't invent SALMON PATTIES?
I assumed everything she made was original.

I didn't like those either. Next I suppose you are going to say she didn't invent brisket, beef stew, American spaghetti (spaghetti in a skillet with tomato soup), and chicken soup. This is about as hard to take as finding out I WASN'T switched at birth.
The amount of water that comes out needs to be higher the colder it is. If it gets cold enough, then moving water will freeze.

I really feel sorry for all of those out in the cold part of the Country. I just can't Imagine!

I hope this will be the last of it.
Thanks Ron. I had icesickles hanging off my fence from the hose dripping. The chickens were eating the icesickles.
I hope Calif. gets enough rain soon to help everyone

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