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well darn!

He's not hatchery, I got him and a bunch others from Wisher.

out of ten chicks I'm up to six boys.

He will probably stay with me b/c of his eye. I planned to butcher a few of the other cockerels when they get a little bigger but a big nice Black Orp, I'll keep him unless the right home comes along and I know he'll be taken care of.

are you wanting him?
You're living my life. So many roos
I hate when I don't have eggs of my own. I can't eat store bought eggs. Really! Didn't eat a single egg all winter. My kids are all or almost grown and my 3 oldest daughters never want eggs from me. That's fine, I'll hatch what we don't eat. One of these days I'll have to remember to tell them that the deviled eggs they all rave about are from my birds. I figure maybe I'll let them know at a time they don't taste the same, because they're store bought!

I live right in the middle of farm country and I swear the eggs, milk and veggies are all higher here than in the Bay Area. I actually wait till I just can't take it anymore, to buy potatoes out here. I can buy 2 or 3 bags out there for what I pay here. Sure hope my seeds all take and my garden actually grows this year. The last 3 years I've gotten pretty much zip. Out in the Bay I could grew anything from a rock!
I have a daughter who said she will only eat store bought eggs, then she asked me why some of my eggs were green.

Hopefully you will have better luck with your gardening this year.

We have dairy farms all around us here and we still pay higher prices on milk and cheese.
DH just arrived home early from work and is taking a few days off-- shingles. Fortunately I've already had chickenpx and the kids are vaccinated. but I think I will call the pediatricians office for more in formation regarding what to expect with known exposure.

Gotta put a pot of chicken soup on!
Your poor DH, hopefully he will get over them quickly!
Originally Posted by privett1961

Okay Wisher
Here I am .I was too busy reading the GESE Thread last night.On page 60 so I still have 100 plus to go.Not sure if I will ever catch up.I candle my eggs again today (day 14 ) 4 were still clear so they were not put back. I have 59 left in incubator.
Hello everyone,Hope you don't mind my jumping in. I think Wisher thinks I am an " Old Folk " .Just cause I was born in 1961.I am in S.E. Ky. Live on a farm with DH,DD,and DS.

Welcome privett
Originally Posted by privett1961

Okay Wisher
Here I am .I was too busy reading the GESE Thread last night.On page 60 so I still have 100 plus to go.Not sure if I will ever catch up.I candle my eggs again today (day 14 ) 4 were still clear so they were not put back. I have 59 left in incubator.
Hello everyone,Hope you don't mind my jumping in. I think Wisher thinks I am an " Old Folk " .Just cause I was born in 1961.I am in S.E. Ky. Live on a farm with DH,DD,and DS.

Welcome privett
welcome and jump in

btw - you are older than me so you are old
Thanks guys! We were actually just talking about ducks last night. I have a HUGE list of things/ animals that I want on my road to self-sustainability: milk goats, bees, bat boxes, as many fruit trees as can grow here. And that's not all I want! Actually, Oz's plantation sounds like heaven on earth to me!
X2 on the whole post.
The only livestock I'm allowed here is chickens. But I am allowed 85 and 5 roosters. (they didn't say anything about cockerels
I also have bee hives and native pollinator houses, peaches, nectarines, apricots, apples, persimmons, mulberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, goji berries, asparagus, herbs and four 4'X40' raised beds for seasonal veggies. One of the chicken coops is long and narrow at the north end of the veggie beds. There's a pop door over each bed plus one on the north side and I have a hoop pen the length of the beds that I can move over a bed after the veggies are done and let the chickens in that bed. The raspberries are north of the coop so after the berries are gone I turn the same flock in there. That's mid summer and it's cooler on that side.

Heel low:

Sorry, me again...forgot to post this..havin' FUN talkin' turkey.

Happy first day of spring a ding dong!

Spring has sprung, no grass has riz...but YEH...I know where all my birdies is...hidin' out inside their houses...Blah!

Saying we will get half a foot of snow (believe it too, big fluff flakes and wind blasts!) and -20C (-4F) tonight.
It's 53F (11C) right now at 5 AM. Sad to say though it will be below freezing at least 4 nights next week and more hard freezes at the end of the month. I may have to wait till April to start up the automatic water.

So I came home today and the one chick I have been worried about is still going strong but found one that was fine this morning, dead! No outward signs of stress or illness. Even in death is looks healthy. What am I doing wrong? I am afraid to leave the house now. I don't know if I have the fortitude to hatch and manage has been to upsetting for me. I know I sound like a ninny but it is killing me. I was going to hatch another batch but I am leaving it to DH.

The one that is still a little matted, I have already washed him twice in warm water. I was thinking maybe add a drop of Dawn to the water and see if it breaks up the remaining matting. Any advice? I don't know what to do with his head because I read not to get it wet.
How's the ventilation? Do they have room to move between a warm area and a cool space?

It's said the if dogs died as often as chickens, people wouldn't own very many dogs.

Okay Wisher
Here I am .I was too busy reading the GESE Thread last night.On page 60 so I still have 100 plus to go.Not sure if I will ever catch up.I candle my eggs again today (day 14 ) 4 were still clear so they were not put back. I have 59 left in incubator.
Hello everyone,Hope you don't mind my jumping in. I think Wisher thinks I am an " Old Folk " .Just cause I was born in 1961.I am in S.E. Ky. Live on a farm with DH,DD,and DS.

That's not old, and you'll never catch me. You're welcome anyway. I'm sure we have some other old timer imposters on here>

welcome and jump in

btw - you are older than me so you are old

You young pup.
YES! I'm so good at having health issues, I can contract deceases twice. I'm good huh??
And I get sick , I mean really sick from vaccines. I debated a flu shot till I just couldn't afford it.
Big debate over flu shots-- I couldn't have one for years as I was allergic to a component used in the concoction. I bet you stay at home much of the time and you're not in crowds, so you are at low risk for exposure. FLu season is almost over.

Okay Wisher
Here I am .I was too busy reading the GESE Thread last night.On page 60 so I still have 100 plus to go.Not sure if I will ever catch up.I candle my eggs again today (day 14 ) 4 were still clear so they were not put back. I have 59 left in incubator.
Hello everyone,Hope you don't mind my jumping in. I think Wisher thinks I am an " Old Folk " .Just cause I was born in 1961.I am in S.E. Ky. Live on a farm with DH,DD,and DS.
Hi priviett1961 --1961 was a good year.

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