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... I went out to turn one of the raised beds yesterday. Got it cleared, not turned and then all the green, whatever it is growing around it. That stuff is all over my backyard. It's taken me over 2 years to turn all but a 20x20 spot to finally landscape and not I have this junk. Really makes me wish I still have Guineas. Pretty sure this stuff is burdock. Man I hate that stuf.
During the winter we normally have henbit grow prolifically between the raised beds and takes over part of the chicken pasture (when there are no birds in there).
This year it has been non-existent. I guess it can't handle sub zero.
Quote: I hear you-- that puts limits on location. I'll enjoy the north for you-- though even this winter was a bit much.

A few years ago I broke my wrist-- badly. No issues now-- unless I start eating bread and cookies etc. My wrist is my barometer, and staying low carb has enabled me to forget that I had a broken wrist smashed totally out of shape looking like a pyramid requiring multiple surgeries by a hand orthopedist and 9 months of 1 handed diapers. lol I was told to expect arthritis. I'm aiming to prevent the arthritis.
Originally Posted by wolftracks
... I went out to turn one of the raised beds yesterday. Got it cleared, not turned and then all the green, whatever it is growing around it. That stuff is all over my backyard. It's taken me over 2 years to turn all but a 20x20 spot to finally landscape and not I have this junk. Really makes me wish I still have Guineas. Pretty sure this stuff is burdock. Man I hate that stuf.

Can't you use a broad leaf granular weed killer or a spray weed killer.
Quote: DH is only 52. I expect our insurance will cover it-- Maybe he will get the flu shot too that I have hounded him about since . . SEPTEMBER!!

Hey Wolfie-- gardening will keep us young!!
We have to move.
There's a book called "the blue zones"
They studied the longest lived societies on the planet to discover their secrets.
One of those secrets was inconvenient housing. Their homes and lifestyles required them to move more. They may have had to get their water from a well, or they didn't have remote controls. Movement keeps you young (provided you get good nutrition and don't poison yourself)

Originally Posted by wolftracks
... I went out to turn one of the raised beds yesterday. Got it cleared, not turned and then all the green, whatever it is growing around it. That stuff is all over my backyard. It's taken me over 2 years to turn all but a 20x20 spot to finally landscape and not I have this junk. Really makes me wish I still have Guineas. Pretty sure this stuff is burdock. Man I hate that stuf.

Can't you use a broad leaf granular weed killer or a spray weed killer.

You could definitely do that if you didn't want to stay organic.
I'm mostly organic. When I have pervasive big weeds and brush (invasive Japanese honeysuckle) that's too big to dig up. I cut it close to the ground, use a paint brush and bucket of something like brush killer and paint the wound. That usually does the trick and I don't get the poison on the ground.
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My wife is leaving for Thailand in 2 weeks and the only thing she's packed is a neck pillow.

My Daughter is in Hoi An. It seems like every bus ride is way longer than they're supposed to be.
Some recent posts.

"After an exhausting day canyoning and rappelling off waterfalls in Da Lat.. I am currently on hour 4 of a 14 hour bus ride to Hoi An. Ouch."
That turned into an 18 hour bus ride.
"~ Yuck. I'm so done with bus rides!"
"~ Ugh that bus ride turned into 16 hours of course and then another 2 hours to get from Danang to Hoi An.. but now I'm here and it's just as lovely as everyone said!
Hoi An is really cute. It's best at night time on bikes

~"Amazing day! Got to see K........ M....... (Irish friend) before she left, and thanks to her, had delicious local dishes cao lau and white rose dumplings! Got a massage and pedicure, bought some souvenirs and getting 2 dresses custom made! I love Hoi An"

I see greenery - unlike here.

"Balcony view" - It looks like the balcony view I had when working in Costa Rica.


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