The Old Folks Home

Hey Wolfie-- gardening will keep us young!!
Tell that to my body LOL

Originally Posted by wolftracks
... I went out to turn one of the raised beds yesterday. Got it cleared, not turned and then all the green, whatever it is growing around it. That stuff is all over my backyard. It's taken me over 2 years to turn all but a 20x20 spot to finally landscape and not I have this junk. Really makes me wish I still have Guineas. Pretty sure this stuff is burdock. Man I hate that stuf.

Can't you use a broad leaf granular weed killer or a spray weed killer.
To many animals out there and sometimes kids.

We have to move.
There's a book called "the blue zones"
They studied the longest lived societies on the planet to discover their secrets.
One of those secrets was inconvenient housing. Their homes and lifestyles required them to move more. They may have had to get their water from a well, or they didn't have remote controls. Movement keeps you young (provided you get good nutrition and don't poison yourself)

You could definitely do that if you didn't want to stay organic.
I'm mostly organic. When I have pervasive big weeds and brush (invasive Japanese honeysuckle) that's too big to dig up. I cut it close to the ground, use a paint brush and bucket of something like brush killer and paint the wound. That usually does the trick and I don't get the poison on the ground.
I want to stay as much as possible. Hate to contaminate my chicken and rabbit poop. LOL
Noting it big yet, but I had been working on my driveway and took a few days off and its filled with foxtails. My SIL sprayed it over a year ago with something that kept it down till this year, but with just the amount of rain we got, it grew like crazy. Affraid it will happen out back again. But I dont want to use cemicals if I dont have to. The last 3 years I even had tumble weeds out there. Just saw a neighbor toss a bunch out in the street the other day. We have containers that he could have use, but no, he let them blow all over the neighborhood.

My wife is leaving for Thailand in 2 weeks and the only thing she's packed is a neck pillow.

My Daughter is in Hoi An. It seems like every bus ride is way longer than they're supposed to be.
Some recent posts.

"After an exhausting day canyoning and rappelling off waterfalls in Da Lat.. I am currently on hour 4 of a 14 hour bus ride to Hoi An. Ouch."
That turned into an 18 hour bus ride.
"~ Yuck. I'm so done with bus rides!"
"~ Ugh that bus ride turned into 16 hours of course and then another 2 hours to get from Danang to Hoi An.. but now I'm here and it's just as lovely as everyone said!
Hoi An is really cute. It's best at night time on bikes

~"Amazing day! Got to see K........ M....... (Irish friend) before she left, and thanks to her, had delicious local dishes cao lau and white rose dumplings! Got a massage and pedicure, bought some souvenirs and getting 2 dresses custom made! I love Hoi An"

I see greenery - unlike here.

"Balcony view" - It looks like the balcony view I had when working in Costa Rica.

Besides these all being beautiful, they've also made me hungry!

I want to stay as much as possible. Hate to contaminate my chicken and rabbit poop. LOL
Noting it big yet, but I had been working on my driveway and took a few days off and its filled with foxtails. My SIL sprayed it over a year ago with something that kept it down till this year, but with just the amount of rain we got, it grew like crazy. Affraid it will happen out back again. But I dont want to use cemicals if I dont have to. The last 3 years I even had tumble weeds out there. Just saw a neighbor toss a bunch out in the street the other day. We have containers that he could have use, but no, he let them blow all over the neighborhood.

Besides these all being beautiful, they've also made me hungry!

Oz and a few others are always posting hunger inducing food pictures.

If you can corral some chickens where you don't want plants to grow, they'll take care of it unless it's something like stinging nettle or thistle.
Wonderful pics ChickenCanoe. Looks like she is having a great time.
Okay Wisher
Here I am .I was too busy reading the GESE Thread last night.On page 60 so I still have 100 plus to go.Not sure if I will ever catch up.I candle my eggs again today (day 14 ) 4 were still clear so they were not put back. I have 59 left in incubator. 
Hello everyone,Hope you don't mind my jumping in. I think Wisher thinks I am an " Old Folk " .Just cause I was born in 1961.I am in S.E. Ky. Live on a farm with DH,DD,and DS.

Welcome to BYC. I have friends in the Hyden and Hazard area. I have spent some time up there and I love the area.
Wonderful pics ChickenCanoe. Looks like she is having a great time.

Thanks. ~Hội An was settled much earlier but became a major trading port in 1595 and in 1999, UNESCO declared it a World Heritage site as a well preserved example of a Southeast Asia trading port of the 15th to 19th century.
Not to sound too political again but hindsight is always 20/20. Now that Vietnam is a US trading partner with normalized relations, it's hard to imagine why or how long we bombed and burned there - 20 years and nearly 4 million killed, including 58,000 US soldiers, 150,000 wounded and over 1500 still missing - what a waste. It's amazing there's still anything to visit there.

Old town Hoi An.

She's off to Hue city for a couple days. Another World Heritage site, it once had a walled forbidden city but it and 80% of Hue were destroyed during the 32 day battle of Hue. A Marine captain said after the battle, ~ "Did we have to destroy the town in order to save it?"
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Yes, but it seems to be age related.

Chicken Pox is a Herpes type of virus. I think they call them retrograde? They stay dormant in your body and can become active later. This one starts as chicken pox and then later comes back to life as Shingles.

You have to have had chicken pox to have Shingles. You can get chicken pox as an adult though too if you did not have them as a child.

One additional thing. I had shingles on the Sciatic nerve in my right leg. I got the shot afterwards. Shingles are age related. The shingles damaged the nerve in my left heel causing a burning sensation. I found on Web MD that L-Lysine would help. Two L-Lysines a day has eliminated the burning.
I missed a day or two, and this thread got very busy. I had a lot of catching up to do. The first day I missed being on here, DD and I did a lot of chicken stuff shopping. DH surprised us by sending us to get a second incubator. I will use it for lockdown, and don't have to worry about how I'm going to stagger my hatches now. We got just about everything I needed to get my brooder set up. There are two things I'm going to get today, and I'm done. Well, maybe 3 things, and then I'm done. Who am I kidding? Is anyone ever done buying stuff for chickens? The second day I missed being on here, DD and I processed 2 old hens. While not a pleasant activity, it went well. I figured a good follow up activity would be to let DD help candle the eggs. I was right. That put the spark back into the rest of the day. In regards to incubating the eggs, I must be doing something right. They seem to be doing just fine. The air sacs seem to be correct, veining good, and chick movement inside. Another good thing that happened too. I have 3 sections to my coop. 1 for the sex links, in back on the left, 1 for the BAs, in back on the right, and a large run in the front that spans the full width. I open and/or close the door on each side allowing access to the additional run, which I rotate every other day between the two groups. Normally, when I go into the coop, the BAs run into their back section. (I've only had the BAs since Feb. 22.) Yesterday, for the very first time, they didn't run. They stayed right where they were. I went out of the coop, got a bunch of grass clippings to give them, and once again, they didn't run. They came towards me waiting for me to give them the grass clippings. I put the clippings down, and they stayed right there with me. Progress!
I've heard it's painful. Probably more prevalent with the aging baby boomers.
Two bouts, no lasting effects. My friend? She got it when they were on a roadtrip from California to Texas, to Florida and then home to Wisconsin. Hit her between Cali and Texas. She didn't seek help until the pain got so bad she couldn't stand it in Florida. Lost touch with her a year or two ago but last I heard it involved a morphine pump in her back.

Hubby woke up with a painful neck on Christmas morning two years ago. One look and we were on our way to the ER. Got him on drugs asap and now he only deals with an occasional burning.

Oh, BTW me? Had a great dr for the first bout and she put me on a massive protocol right away and I had no residual side effects. Second bout I had gotten the vaccine and was already under the care of my fantastic oncologist so no problems.

Moral of the story??? Don't delay getting treatment and even if you've had shingles already, GET THE SHOT!
To many animals out there and sometimes kids.

I want to stay as much as possible. Hate to contaminate my chicken and rabbit poop. LOL
Noting it big yet, but I had been working on my driveway and took a few days off and its filled with foxtails. My SIL sprayed it over a year ago with something that kept it down till this year, but with just the amount of rain we got, it grew like crazy. Affraid it will happen out back again. But I dont want to use cemicals if I dont have to. The last 3 years I even had tumble weeds out there. Just saw a neighbor toss a bunch out in the street the other day. We have containers that he could have use, but no, he let them blow all over the neighborhood.

You can try spraying them with vinegar & a couple drops of dawn dishsoap on a day it is supposed to stay sunny. The dishsoap removes protective oils and then the vinegar kills the plant. This works best somewhere with direct sunlight for 5 or 6 hours. Doesn't always work as well in shady areas. It also doesn't work on all plants but I do know it works on foxtail. At least none of this will hurt the kids or animals and it's cheap.

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