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I took seven teenage boys.........there were no leftovers..................................
Well, I've been diagnosed once again with yet another type of cancer. For those of you that would be kind enough to include me in your prayers, I will be grateful. On a lighter note, WE ARE IN LOCKDOWN!
Absolutely...........I'm so so sorry.

Ron, I'm in Florida, so I understand your friend's dilemma regarding humidity for his ostrich egg. When I put my eggs into lockdown, we were having a cold snap. The cold wasn't an issue, but colder weather here means there is less humidity. I had my humidity level at 65, which is a little higher than I really wanted, but that way I thought I would minimize having to open the incubator to add water during lockdown. The next day was rainy. My humidity jumped to 69, without the addition of water. I don't really want it that high, but figured I would leave things alone, and normal evaporation, etc. would bring the humidity down. Wrong! Today is cloudy, and my humidity is at 67. I want to remove some of the water, but I am concerned that by doing so could do as much harm as leaving the humidity a bit too high.

My daughter, who has hatched several hundred eggs, with a very high hatch rate, just informed me that she never increased humidity at lockdown (Where was she when I needed this info). Since the humidity is so high here to begin with, and increases so much on cloudy and rainy days there is too much fluctuation to deal with, so she just added the same amount of water in the channels each day through the entire process. Some of those days the humidity was low, some days it was where it should be, while some of those days it was too high, but each day the same amount of water was added. By doing it the same each day, it all balanced out in the end, and she had great hatch rates.
I wonder if that would help here

Just set 83 eggs for the Easter hatch. Two years in a row I had anywhere between 180 and 250 eggs. Didn't order any since I can't seem to get much to hatch anymore. I have a couple of broodies that I've left on some mixed eggs and not even going to see how many they have. Just gonna leave it alone. My mixes go to the auction to hopefully pay for feed. My last hatch I got 2 out of 16. I did find that I lost all the others beforee lockdown, but they were the eggs I couldn't see into. The hatch that was due yesterday is doing nothing, other than I lost an OE the day before they were due. It pipped at the wrong end and I could tell there was way to much humidity. I had smallish air cells and used no water at all until lockdown. This hatch I did see 3 internal pips and that was Thursday. Thought I heard peeping yesterday off and on, but nothing has hatched and it's quiet in there today. What happened to me?? I can talk people through and they do fine, but I just haven't had a decent hatch in almost.................OMG... 3 1/2 years! Stressful thinking about how many eggs I've gotten to lockdown that didn't make it out. Maybe I won't add water at lockdown. IDK.......frustrating.
OOPS! Didn't mean to hit post.

Wisher you have me simi excited about my camping next month. I'd be completely excited, but it's probably going to be my last and I have to leave camp for most of a Saturday to attend my grand daughter's Sweet 16 party and then drive back, so I can basically break camp and try to have a little fun on Mother's Day. I love my family, but I have to listen to a DJ instead of the drums I want to hear at Pow Wow. I always take a few of the grandkids, my youngest daughter and son always go and wemeet up with friends and family there. Man can those people go through food. Then again, we also have people who are also camping come to join us, so it just makes the trip back a little lighter. LOL
Wow, Wisher! That sounds like the perfect trip! I'm glad the weather worked out in your favor! I was a little worried for ya! I bet those boys never forget that trip. I love going off into the woods for days at a time. BTW, my babies are doing so well! Big and healthy and quick! The EE's have tons of feathers on them and the BO's are just now getting their tail feathers growing in. They're so cute

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