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oh OZ, mussels
why do people insist on eating some of the ickiest things around??? The only muscles I like are Biceps, on some really hunky guy, with great eyes and smile, sense of humor,even if he doesn't have a six pack or is bald.... OMG did I say that out loud? Nevermind
It IS funny! I have friends from the north who are way too sticky feeling down here during the summer due to all the humidity. I would be miserable in weather that's below, or near to really, 0°F! It went down to around 15°F during the infamous snow and I've storm Alabama just had a few months back. When it finally went up to 40° I remember being so grateful, when I'm usually shivering in the 50s! I can't understand people going thru a really cold winter with no coat or a really thin one! Or wearing shorts! When I go to concerts in the winter, I laugh at the girls all shivering in their short skirts and high heels. I may not look fashionable and "hot" in my jeans and sneakers and thick coat, but I'm sure a lot warmer than you!
Form follows function.
Makes sense to be comfortable.
I took my daughter to visit Columbia College in Chicago when she was a high school senior. She wanted to be fashionable wearing a skirt and heels - in the windy city in winter. It was cold, rainy and windy. All the other girls were wearing jeans and tennis shoes.

This winter was brutal.

Totally agree. There's nothing quite like snuggling up by the fire under a quilt, drinking a hot beverage. I have both a heated mattress pad and blanket on the bed, so I am not usually cold. However, in the summer I just can't sleep when my skin is sticking to itself and I'm all juicy.

We got up to 68 this afternoon and that felt really hot to me. Also the sun came out today after what seems like weeks of rain and clouds. Unfortunately tonight was sewing class so the lawn remains unmowed. I'm hoping to hit it Saturday morning if it remains dry but considering I haven't mowed it this year, it doesn't look that bad. Take that, southerners.
I've mowed twice and it's due again. Maybe I can get some done before the rain.
Lots more to plant in the garden too. Also have to move a lot of chickens around to new coops by dawn. Gotta go.

OK one of you "old folks" w/vast chick experience,
Question: Of the 4 breeds chicks I just received, I have had a couple of cases of mild pasty butt... and all of them have been with the same breed birds... the white wyandottes... Have any of you noticed some breeds more susceptible than others? They have (unpasteurized) ACV in their water and have been on FF since day one. All the other birds are having no issues at all.
Just curious... nothing to do now but clean them when/if it happens... Thanks!
If it seems like one breed is behaving differently or having different health issues, it's probably the health and/or nutrition of the parent stock.

I used to work with someone who would complain about the thermostat being set too low. They always wore jeans and a thin t shirt. I was in a t shirt and shorts and was too warm. I always told them that I was sure that they would rather put on more clothes than have me take any more off...

When I worked on an assembly line (Mercury Grand Marquis) I needed a fan on me in the dead of winter wearing a T-shirt. People to both sides of me were wearing jackets. I think I was just working harder than anyone else, or they didn't have any blood.
I am so with Chicken Canoe- I used to walk great distances all year round. The result of which has given me a wardrobe for the coldest, windiest, ickiest weather. I have parkas or jackets for every type of weather winter can throw at me. Consequently when I am walking, I am so hot outside(in winter) that I wear just a t-shirt under my parka and a pair of fleece lined jeans. If it is icky cold, for sleet I switch to waterproof snow pants (made to wear over regular pants) but, I use them alone or I would be perspiring badly.

In summer I am miserable, I feel like the sun is burning the top of my head despite wide brimmed, ventilated safari hat. I cannot get comfortable even with the "moisture management" garments they hype in ads. I need an overcast day, strong breeze and temps below 80 to venture out at all. Ideal outdoor temps for me are in the 50 ish range. A/C when needed is set to 80 degrees - can't afford less. When it's 10 degrees or higher outdoors - 80 feels mighty good.

For those who cannot tolerate cold - the very best thing to do is get a face mask- a functional one, at the sports stores., and wear a hat or hood. A face mask heats the air you breathe in - I cannot stress enough the big difference it makes in handling bitter cold weather, and benefits for your heart & lungs especially IF you have health considerations. Problem is they never look attractive- only serious outdoor people wear them. Same with hoods or hats - people would rather freeze their ears off than mess up their coiffure.
Dressing for the early morning cold, I would always get really sweaty skiing midday. Marmot came up with a jacket design that had air ports you could open at your pecs. You could keep your jacket zipped up and still get some cool air where the heat was building up. I loved it.
Digital programmable thermostats are the key. Mine have 4 setpoints per day. Saves money and grief.

Ah the weather. It's 84 today. Afternoon thunderstorms. Ocean is dead calm. Low tide is low enough to expose sand bars only seen in may and June. We have been digging for mussels.

We're finally having close to the same weather.
72 F at 5AM, going up to 85 today with some rain.
Hola folks!

I'm taking hiatus from the chaos. Eldest daughter graduated from High School and we had a steady stream of relatives through our tiny house over the course of 2 weeks...I've been sleeping on the loveseat. That is really one of the least comfy places in the world to sleep, so I'm a freaking mess now!! I'm too old for this crud! There will be an inflatable bed in the middle of the dining room when #2 graduates!!

I've started the inevitable shrink. I know several of you are probably nodding because you knew I couldn't keep up with the work and the birds when I decided to keep trying...and you were totally right. Even with hired help, they aren't getting the care they ought to have, and now we have viciously determined foxes that aren't afraid of people in the middle of the day. It's killing me to keep losing stock and I'm not wealthy so I've spent what I'm able to for protection...I'm throwing in the towel.

I put up the ad on the grown birds page and cried into my coffee.

Why am I such a wuss??? I really love these fluffy things. I have sold off some of my stock to folks that will share it back when I'm ready to return to the projects, but still!

I hate to see specific bird go...because I'm a nutjob and I love those specific birds!!

I'll be glad to see them head off to loving homes, just the same. Better than a varmint's dinner.

What's shakin' with you guys?
Oh, Chooks, I'm sorry. I know you are doing what's best for the birds, but hurtful to you. What an unselfish thing to do. Tell me, what are you keeping?

It's definitely a bit selfish...I can't handle seeing anything out-of-whack with their care, sort of an OCD thing...and yet I really can't get on hired help or volunteers for not being meticulous about things that don't make sense to them...and I don't have the time to explain or I'd write a book!! I've had plenty of requests for one!

I thusly spend my waking hours worrying and throwing more money I don't have at the problem...and that's wrong for a million reasons. It also turns this into a hobby that makes me unhappy instead of a profitable passion.

That just sucks, all around.

I'm keeping odds and ends, mainly just the hens that are my favorites. I think I will try very hard to keep one roo, but I want to get everything housed here at home, and roos are illegal in city limits. I love Moby, but he's hard to miss, since he's the size of a dishwasher, and his crow isn't a normal crow, but resonates and is very he'll likely have to go. I will perhaps try one of his sons that hasn't crowed yet and see if I can't get one that doesn't know the difference, growing up without hearing it?? Sometimes when they don't have male competition as they age they don't crow much.

There's a HUGE Buff Orp, a Lav Orp, and a Mottled d'Uccle that are all here at home already that I can't give up, and I'll be adding a Barred Rock (Heritage) and a couple of little Lavender d'Uccles to them. There's a one-eyed Konza girl I adore who will stay- nearly eaten by a raccoon early in life.

I want to keep a couple of Cochin hens, but may let them go...and I waver when going through the list, but I have to do this for all our sakes. ARGH!!!!

I'm even letting peas go...and I got them from deerman!! It's like giving up kids, for crying out loud!!

*sigh* I'm considering posting to craigslist to speed things along, but that's not the same as posting here. I'm such a snob.
There are many people here on BYC that would love to have some of Deerman's birds, that should be easy, and the others sound as if they will attract buyers soon. Craigslist has it's issues, but you're right, it might be really fast. Good luck. I hope it goes smoothly.

The Chicken Whisperer
2 hrs ·

SALMONELLA OUTBREAK UPDATE! The number of confirmed cases has more than doubled to 126 people with 35% requiring hospitalization. You can see the updated report below, which was just updated 9 minutes ago. I will also post a link to the archived podcasts below in the comments section, where several poultry experts have shared their knowledge on this topic.
Salmonella Infections Linked to Live Poultry | May 2014 | Salmonella | CDC
Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Infantis and Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to Live Poultry in Backyard Flocks

Thought I would share this update with you. This is all that would paste so to get the full posting just go to The Chicken Whisperer's page on FB. Anyone with Mt. Healthy Hatchery chicks needs to really pay attention to this.

SALMONELLA OUTBREAK UPDATE! The number of confirmed cases has more than doubled to 126 people with 35% requiring hospitalization. You can see the updated report below, which was just updated 9 minutes ago. I will also post a link to the archived podcasts below in the comments section, where several poultry experts have shared their knowledge on this topic.
Salmonella Infections Linked to Live Poultry | May 2014 | Salmonella | CDC
Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Infantis and Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to Live Poultry in Backyard Flocks

Thought I would share this update with you. This is all that would paste so to get the full posting just go to The Chicken Whisperer's page on FB. Anyone with Mt. Healthy Hatchery chicks needs to really pay attention to this.

The report indicates that they've had trouble like this with Mt. Healthy Hatchery for the past several years. When they know a hatchery has these issues, why isn't the hatchery, and/or the cdc taking more action to ensure it doesn't happen again? This seems very irresponsible on the part of both the hatchery, and the various agri-health agencies.

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