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cc, good for you, getting the rifle out of mothballs. A little practice, and you will probably be able to get rid of your varmit problems. .22 ammo is getting harder to find down here.
Too many people hoarding too much ammo. Paranoia sets in with normally smart and sane people.
CC they are just preparing for the zombie apocalypse!

On a more realistic note, I love the hot weather and have been loving the low triple digits even if the temp has been playing havoc with the menopause. The only thing I miss is the afternoon thunderstorms to help things cool down a bit although we had those for a few days last week. Our small container "garden" is doing pretty good. We have a bunch of cherry and big tomatoes coming in but the hot pepper plants have a ways to go before we get some peppers. We have a bit of cilantro coming up as well. We planted that last year but not this year. It must have gone to seed because it is growing in with the peppers and tomatoes.
CC they are just preparing for the zombie apocalypse!

During my 340 mile Missouri river canoe race I met a couple young men who I thought to be quite bright. We encountered each other frequently on the river and at checkpoints. One was a dentist, the other owned a plumbing contracting company. Many months later I ran into them again while perusing the sporting goods department of Walmart (where I would never have been but for the fact that I was providing transportation to a friend needing groceries and had no other source nor his own transportation).
I asked them how they were and what they were buying. They told me they were buying all the guns and ammo they could before Obama took away their guns and access to ammo. The only restriction to the two I'm familiar with to this day is the shortage due to hoarding.
To the best of my knowledge there has been no attempt to take my guns. I have guns and I'm not scared they will disappear.
Where could they have gotten such mis-information?
Conservative freak out fear monger media?
It is now 9:10 and still 91 outside. We may get down to 68 tonight.

Chicken math says I only have 6 hens. I am very good at chicken math.

I remember in the 60's watching the evening weather in Sacramento and the temperature in Sacramento would be 110 and it would 70 in San Francisco, less than a 100 miles away.
I remember in the 60's watching the evening weather in Sacramento and the temperature in Sacramento would be 110 and it would 70 in San Francisco, less than a 100 miles away.
California is an amazing place!

Where I live in Woodland, The Ocean should moderate Our Temperatures. The Mountains block most of this and the three mountain ranges heading up to The Redding\Shasta lake area make the heat even worse in August. I have relatives in San Francisco that will not go to the valley in the Summer. We do get the Delta Breeze a bit sometimes but that often stops at Davis.

Mark Twain said: "The coldest winter I ever spent was a Summer in San Francisco."

I Guarantee that there were a bunch of 110 degrees days during that time.
California is an amazing place!

Where I live in Woodland, The Ocean should moderate Our Temperatures. The Mountains block most of this and the three mountain ranges heading up to The Redding\Shasta lake area make the heat even worse in August. I have relatives in San Francisco that will not go to the valley in the Summer. We do get the Delta Breeze a bit sometimes but that often stops at Davis.

Mark Twain said: "The coldest winter I ever spent was a Summer in San Francisco."

I Guarantee that there were a bunch of 110 degrees days during that time.

I was trying to run flight controls on an aircraft in the delta a few years ago. The wind was at least 20-25 MPH every day. and some days more than that. Some breeze.
In close quarters a 22 is lethal. It capable of massive internal damage.Because of the low velocity is it rarely passes through walls making it "safer" in urban areas. Personally I prefer something with more punch but 22 can be effective.

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