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Quote: Your right wyo only has about 500,000 in the whole state and my town is in the top 5 at 10,000. But it is growing but still have more cows per acre than
Went out last night to do some light painting at the Great Salt Lake. Got a few pretty shots of the sunset and did a few tries to get the painting done. I learned you CAN NOT be up by the lake that time of night without insect repellent. I am so used to not having problems around the house because we have no standing water anywhere near our house. No standing water, no mosquitos. It was HORRIBLE at the lake as soon as the sun went down. We couldn't stay and do the pictures there so we went back home and did them out in the pasture. Should have listened to DH in the first place. Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell him I said that.


Light painting

Milky Way

Today I am going on a short hike to Donut Falls. I took pictures of it in the winter while it was mostly frozen, and I have heard that the donut hole part has collapsed. I don't think it is true though. We did go up earlier in the year to get the falls unfrozen but there was too much runoff to get to the top.
Thanks for the detailed explanation
your welcome lol

its probably made in Bulb mode - manually open shutter and then using someting like a sparkler to paint light with. once tou finish you close the shutter

I used this technique for halleys comet

My brother was a press photographer for News Limited at the time. I set his camera up and took a doz pics with him from a remote spot in Oz with no city lights to effect the sky

The photo made the front page of the Australian papers
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Heard something rather unexpected yesterday.

Someone I know recently sold a horse to some folks that live near Whiteville (about 35-40 miles from here). He got a call from them yesterday; the horse was attacked by what they are identifying as a panther (also known as a cougar, puma, mountain lion). I have no details about why they think that's what it was, or the extent of the horse's injuries, but their vet advised them to euthanize the horse, so they did.

Historically, panthers did inhabit this area, but they are thought to have been extirpated generations ago. Rumors of their continued survival in the coastal swamps persist, but reported sightings are usually passed off as a bobcat or large dog. I would think that a dog, or even a pack of dogs, would cause different sort of injuries than a cat would, and I find it very hard to believe that a bobcat (with an average weight of less than 25 lbs.) would attack an 800 lb. horse. We have bears around here, of course, but once again, I'd think the damage they might inflict would be different.

I'm very sorry for the horse, and for the owners, of course, but the situation is intriguing and vaguely disturbing. Is this yet another predator that we need to be aware of?

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