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Oh interesting. I'm going to look it up. I'm not sure if it's just an American thing, or of I've just been living under a rock.
I've really never eaten anything 'Pumpkiny' so I can't imagine the taste. Must be good though if it's so popular.
Humm, not sure what you have over there, do you have acorn squash or sweet potatoes? Both of those are similar to pumpkin flavor.
I've eaten sweet potatoes before but I've never heard of acorn squash. I've carved many pumpkins and have eaten little bits but I don't really remember it having a distinct taste. Just that it was slimy.
I've eaten sweet potatoes before but I've never heard of acorn squash. I've carved many pumpkins and have eaten little bits but I don't really remember it having a distinct taste. Just that it was slimy.
Real pie pumpkins are different from the huge hollow ones grown for carving or animal feed. The pie pumpkins I grow are a French heirloom and so sweet on their own they almost carmelize when you bake them. The ones you are talking about are pretty much tasteless just like the canned pumpkin they sell here in the states

Don't know how folks can make pie out of that nasty stuff. You have to add so much just to give it any taste .

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