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Real pie pumpkins are different from the huge hollow ones grown for carving or animal feed.  The pie pumpkins I grow are a French heirloom and so sweet on their own they almost carmelize when you bake them.  The ones you are talking about are pretty much tasteless just like the canned pumpkin they sell here in the states :sick

Don't know how folks can make pie out of that nasty stuff.  You have to add so much just to give it any taste .
I would like to try a real pumpkin pie, don't know where you would get a nice pumpkin out here though. I'm guessing the ones you grow are quite small?
I think the point is that a startled bear is a dangerous bear, if you make noise you won't startle them.
Yep, at least with black bears. You let them know you are there and they will either just move away or let you know you need to be the one to skeedaddle. If you startle a bear (especially if it's a she with cubs) they are more likely to attack first and warn you later. We live in serious bear country (have the claw marks on my feed "safe" on the back porch right next to the door as proof) and never had anyone hurt by one but we aren't stupid about taking our safety for granted either.
I think the point is that a startled bear is a dangerous bear, if you make noise you won't startle them.

We were on a deer drive bunch of us, some locals some tag alongs. Deer drives can be noisy or quiet, traditionally quite here. Buddy was a driver, was singing a wizard of oz song, one of the tag alongs asked what was wrong with him (like he was loony tunes) nothing, just scared of bears. They had just become very populated here. Lol.

I've eaten sweet potatoes before but I've never heard of acorn squash. I've carved many pumpkins and have eaten little bits but I don't really remember it having a distinct taste. Just that it was slimy.

I think butter nut squash is the best, closest to pumpkin, hubbard is pretty good also.
There is a difference between pie pumpkin varieties and regular pumpkins or jack-o-lantern pumpkins. Pie pumpkins are more of a squash pumpkin. If you try to eat a regular pumpkin they are very bland and watery. Made the mistake of trying them in pumpkin soup before.
They taste much better cooked also Lol.
Squash or pie pumpkin just halve, take out the seeds, add butter and salt/pepper, or butter and maple syrup or honey, depending on what flavor you want sweet or savory, and bake in the oven. You can cover with aluminum foil.
I'd rather eat them than candy any day.
We were on a deer drive bunch of us, some locals some tag alongs. Deer drives can be noisy or quiet, traditionally quite here. Buddy was a driver, was singing a wizard of oz song, one of the tag alongs asked what was wrong with him (like he was loony tunes) nothing, just scared of bears. They had just become very populated here. Lol.
I think butter nut squash is the best, closest to pumpkin, hubbard is pretty good also.
There is a difference between pie pumpkin varieties and regular pumpkins or jack-o-lantern pumpkins. Pie pumpkins are more of a squash pumpkin. If you try to eat a regular pumpkin they are very bland and watery. Made the mistake of trying them in pumpkin soup before.
They taste much better cooked also Lol.
Squash or pie pumpkin just halve, take out the seeds, add butter and salt/pepper, or butter and maple syrup or honey, depending on what flavor you want sweet or savory, and bake in the oven. You can cover with aluminum foil.
I'd rather eat them than candy any day.
me too!
I would like to try a real pumpkin pie, don't know where you would get a nice pumpkin out here though. I'm guessing the ones you grow are quite small?

What chickisoup said Lol!.
There is large and small ones. Some of the large ones look pretty cool. The one's I grow are small and like a regular pumpkin, you can see the difference when you cut them open, thick walls and darker meat.
We were on a deer drive bunch of us, some locals some tag alongs. Deer drives can be noisy or quiet, traditionally quite here. Buddy was a driver, was singing a wizard of oz song, one of the tag alongs asked what was wrong with him (like he was loony tunes) nothing, just scared of bears. They had just become very populated here. Lol.
I think butter nut squash is the best, closest to pumpkin, hubbard is pretty good also.
There is a difference between pie pumpkin varieties and regular pumpkins or jack-o-lantern pumpkins. Pie pumpkins are more of a squash pumpkin. If you try to eat a regular pumpkin they are very bland and watery. Made the mistake of trying them in pumpkin soup before.
They taste much better cooked also Lol.
Squash or pie pumpkin just halve, take out the seeds, add butter and salt/pepper, or butter and maple syrup or honey, depending on what flavor you want sweet or savory, and bake in the oven. You can cover with aluminum foil.
I'd rather eat them than candy any day.
Butter nut squash soup is one of my favourite dishes. If pumpkins taste anything like that then I'm sure I'd love them. That recipe sounds nice. You can do something similar with grapefruit; just slice one in half and sprinkle some sugar or syrup on the open halves, then grill it for a few minutes. Unfortunately the only pumpkins you get here are the carving ones, and you can only get them in October.
pie pumpkins are smaller but the French ones I grow are larger than the traditional pie pumpkins they sell here in the grocery stores in the fall.
What chickisoup said Lol!.
There is large and small ones. Some of the large ones look pretty cool. The one's I grow are small and like a regular pumpkin, you can see the difference when you cut them open, thick walls and darker meat.

Hmmm interesting, thanks :)
I still think using a bear bell, is like driving an ice cream truck - they hear the jingle and come running... Wouldn't it be better to fire off a few rounds of ammo so they know you are coming? sez diva who is even afraid of cap pistols.
I still think using a bear bell, is like driving an ice cream truck - they hear the jingle and come running... Wouldn't it be better to fire off a few rounds of ammo so they know you are coming? sez diva who is even afraid of cap pistols.

The bear jokes up here always say that... You know

"How can you tell if you are looking at bear skat? It is full of bear bells and pepper spray" :lau

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