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largest bear in the world if i am not mistaken

A gradeschool girlfriend lived on Kodiak Island back when the earthquake hit in 64.... she was about ten years old. Her dad was an avid hunter and they had a bear skin rug in their living room. Stretched out it was about eight feet. But the caveat... They said it was a cub.....

I think that article, probably read it 22-23 yrs ago, believe in the NRA 'American Hunter' mag, said the Kodiak Bear is the closest genetically to the cave bear beings they have been isolated on a island for a thousand yrs.
Our black bears here are not only smaller, avg 150-200lbs many 500 lbs though. Are very docile and skittish, better chance of the neighbors dog attacking you.
I wouldn't want to run into mamma and cubs though, I've come upon small cubs in the woods, I skedaddle, nothing scarier than seeing a little cub.
Interesting to note, they say if your attacked by a grizzly, it's usually cause your in there territory, or protecting their young, play dead they will eventually leave you alone, good chance of living.
If you get attached by a black bear, black bears don't attack people, so if one does it's likely cause it's going to eat, fight, poke it's eye's out....etc...don't know which I'd rather have around, probably still the more timid black bear anyway.
Actually, the polar bear is the largest and most dangerous to humans as they will actively hunt you. Brown/grizzly bear attacks are normally because they felt provoked in some way... cubs, startled, territorial, protecting a kill/food, etc. Folks who believe black bears aren't dangerous... the number of attacks by Black bears have increased quite a bit over the years, and even a small one; 200-300 pounds, can do some serious damage or kill pretty easily. They're weak in the hind quarters, but very strong in the shoulders. My rug was 350 pounds live weight, right out of the den in the spring. Would have been close to 600 before fall denning.
There is a meme circulating is a photo of a cop in a car with a polar bear, half grown cub, half in the window and grabbing the stearing wheel. That is my friend.

He said it tore up the stearing wheel before he managed to get it out of the car, the car started, and got out of there. I no longer remember why he was so stupid as to let it happen in the first place :rolleyes:

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