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Really? Interesting. You are not the first person to say that. The vet listed them as BC/mixes and we just went with that. I'll have to look through files and find a full face of Spot. She has a very 'terrier' look about her and loves to go to ground digging out varmints.

Yes, they are looking up at my husband who was driving.
@microchick I would bet my license on it, oops dont have it anymore,... see we are not required to study breed at all
showing dogs 30 some years is where my knowledge comes from
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@penny1960 your word and experience are good enough for me! Thanks.

I know they are both very high energy dogs and keep us on our toes. The day they bowled me over they were in our shop with me and were playing behind me when they propelled themselves full force against the backs of my legs and knocked me down. Concrete is very non forgiving. I broke one maybe 2 ribs the doctor told me and 2 years later discovered that I had also injured the SI joint in my back. The pup's reaction? They mobbed me while I was laying on the floor and showered me with kisses. Funny little dogs.
oh your very correct our gsd fear-ah she came to us at 9 I had shown her grand sire
she had never been off leash either, We are fully fenced so got her home I took her leash
off let the other three dogs out.. she stood there a good 10 minutes looking at me
so I started walking she followed got a bit ahead of me looked at me started to run
her enthusiasm was incredible when she realized she really was free
Funny that we are talking about taking a pounding from animals - I'm pretty sore myself today. Yesterday, I had the vet out to give the horses their shots and pull blood for the Coggins tests. Blondie was her usual sweet self - though she tossed her head once and swished her tail a couple of times ('ouch, that hurts!') she was about as good as she could be, then followed us around like a puppy while we did the others. Latte was about like Blondie; not thrilled with the needles, but cooperative. Sunny could be used by a vet school for the students to practice on; I don't think she even blinked. Syd? Well, "Wig Out First, Ask Questions Later Syd" had to be tied to a fence to keep her from jumping around so much, but once she figured out she couldn't go anywhere, she wasn't too bad. But then there was Betsy. Dear Betsy. Doing medical stuff with The Mule has always been challenging, but this was the worst time ever. Over the years, there have been many needles that got bent or went flying, and lots of trodden on toes and stuff. But this time, for some reason, the vet just couldn't seem to get the blood sample. I kid you not, we spent the better part of two hours on and off trying to get that sample. She had problems hitting the vein on the other minis, too - they are shaggy beasts at this time of year, and it can be hard to keep your bearings in all that fur. But Betsy was by far the worst, and like most donkeys and mules, once she starts to fight, she doesn't quit. I told my husband that after spending so much time trying to hold Betsy still, "I feel like I've done a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson." His response was, "I'd bet Betsy could take him."

We're all on pain relievers today; the minis got their Banamine, and I got into the Ibuprofen. Betsy probably feels like a pincusion, poor baby, but at least she is still talking to me. The good news is, the vet just called - apparently the few drops she managed to get were enough, and the lab got the test done. Whew!
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@Bunnylady actually my lip is almost healed as it wasn't that deep but yesterday
pulling that icky carpet took many tramadol little more to do today in the second hallway
Funny that we are talking about taking a pounding from animals - I'm pretty sore myself today. Yesterday, I had the vet out to give the horses their shots and pull blood for the Coggins tests. Blondie was her usual sweet self - though she tossed her head once and swished her tail a couple of times ('ouch, that hurts!') she was about as good as she could be, then followed us around like a puppy while we did the others. Latte was about like Blondie; not thrilled with the needles, but cooperative. Sunny could be used by a vet school for the students to practice on; I don't think she even blinked. Syd? Well, "Wig Out First, Ask Questions Later Syd" had to be tied to a fence to keep her from jumping around so much, but once she figured out she couldn't go anywhere, she wasn't too bad. But then there was Betsy. Dear Betsy. Doing medical stuff with The Mule has always been challenging, but this was the worst time ever. Over the years, there have been many needles that got bent or went flying, and lots of trodden on toes and stuff. But this time, for some reason, the vet just couldn't seem to get the blood sample. I kid you not, we spent the better part of two hours on and off trying to get that sample. She had problems hitting the vein on the other minis, too - they are shaggy beasts at this time of year, and it can be hard to keep your bearings in all that fur. But Betsy was by far the worst, and like most donkeys and mules, once she starts to fight, she doesn't quit. I told my husband that after spending so much time trying to hold Betsy still, I feel like I've done a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson. His response was, "I'd bet Betsy could take him."

We're all on pain relievers today; the minis got their Banamine, and I got into the Ibuprofen. Betsy probably feels like a pincusion, poor baby, but at least she is still talking to me. The good news is, the vet just called - apparently the few drops she managed to get were enough, and the lab got the test done. Whew!

OMG..... so far I have had good citizens... First time I had Katee floated was the old fashi0oned way... no speculum and a gentle Vet... He sawed sawed on her back teeth every time hed take the file out shed chew a little then follow him... "Watcha goin to do next.... "

But.... Shes trampled me dragged me by a foot thrown me off jumped out from under me snapped my ACL ... Any one think a draft cant move quick.... She forgot i was up on her back when we reached the end of the arena... she let of an "EwwWWwww" squeel shook her head and sunfished to swap ends. Thank goodness I know how to get thrown off a horse.... I only pulled a shoulder muscle....

I have had bulls, cows, horses all beat the tar out of me or hauling their grain about did me in
I was 52 before I weighed more than 100 lbs 118 now at 56 I know how to fall drop and roll depending on the
size of the critter

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