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I love the naked necks

Puleeeez, if the internet went down today, most young people would just wither up, and die. In the event of a major catastrophe, they're doomed. Especially when they find out that survival is labor intense. Yes, there are exceptions to this, but they seem to be few, and far between. One big factor, which we experienced, and the youth of today do not, is using our imaginations. An example of what I'm talking about is that we would grab a towel, drape it around our shoulders, secure it with a clothespin, then run around being Superman. A few old cans, jar lids, etc., and we made some of the best mud pies, topped off with flowers, and/or leaves to adorn our dirt food. Now due to marketing, a parent needs to get "Hulk hands", "Spiderman web shooting wrist bands", "Frozen dress up ensembles", etc. Add educational entertainment into the mix, with toys to re-direct creativity, and imagination into an educational experience, and true playtime is transformed.

While I'm not against toys, even educational ones, they should not entirely replace poking a stick in the ground as the mast of a pirate ship, and the adventures that ensue from a child's creativity, and imagination. While it may seem unimportant on the surface, I am fully convinced that there is something lost, when playtime is totally pre-packaged. While the push is on for more education at earlier ages, longer school hours, etc., to make kids smarter, overall it's not really working too well.
Cowboys and Indians??? ARMY!! Heck we were about 12 and we all got BB guns for Christmas lol then all summer we got our butts whipped for having BBs in our hides from playing ARMY. We had made hidden trenches in a wooded lot and built two tree houses to wage war from! Video games?? We were the video games and let me tell you BBs hurt!! Went many places on our home made bycycles. I got caught 13 miles from home once. I lost my bike for a month!!! That was painful not having my ride!!
Cowboys and Indians??? ARMY!! Heck we were about 12 and we all got BB guns for Christmas lol then all summer we got our butts whipped for having BBs in our hides from playing ARMY. We had made hidden trenches in a wooded lot and built two tree houses to wage war from! Video games?? We were the video games and let me tell you BBs hurt!! Went many places on our home made bycycles. I got caught 13 miles from home once. I lost my bike for a month!!! That was painful not having my ride!!
Oh, yeah, we played "army" too, but our dads were in the Army for real, so of course we all had to be on the same side, with imaginary "enemies" (*sigh* just how many "nurses" does an army need, when none of the heroes ever get hurt?!) There was no stigma in choosing to be an indian.

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