The Old Folks Home

had a horse and dirt bike thought I had it all we went
to a school of rich being engineer kids their folks being brought over for boeing
so we were the spoiled rednecks from the lakes back then
I can remember being in the 1st grade and one of the boys coming back from lunch wearing his Roy Rogers cowboy hat, vest, chaps, six shooter cap shooter and gun belt. Nobody blinked an eye. In fact we all thought he was pretty darned cool. Ah to be 6 no, never mind. Been there done that got the t-shirt.
always wore rough outs didn't know what a tenny was till high school and college barefoot or rough outs
before then but dancing soft leather slipper broke my arch in them after 30 years
Once in the airport my baby sister set off the metal detector.

She had no idea why she had set it off.

The officer there asked her to turn out her pockets.... she had a coat with deep pockets....

And out came a solid metal cap gun made around 1947. Looked pretty realistic.

This was ages the guy didn't bat an eye...but wouldn't let us take it on the plane. He helped us out and found a box so that we could mail it...
Once in the airport my baby sister set off the metal detector.

She had no idea why she had set it off.

The officer there asked her to turn out her pockets.... she had a coat with deep pockets....

And out came a solid metal cap gun made around 1947. Looked pretty realistic.

This was ages the guy didn't bat an eye...but wouldn't let us take it on the plane. He helped us out and found a box so that we could mail it...
gee fly out of Juneau we could carry guns way back
What's that old Chinese curse? May you live in interesting times?

I have an on again off again broody hen that is driving me nutz. Silly girl is walking around fluffed up to twice her size,dragging her wings, screaming like a banshee if I even touch her and other wise softly clucking to herself nonstop, so I put three ceramic eggs in a box for her and sure enough, she shuffled herself in and happily plopped down on them. Stayed in on them all day. I peeped in at sunset, and doofus has herself up on the roost with the other birds. She has been doing this for three days now. I have been saving bantam eggs for her for two days if only she would make up her mind. Tonight another hen started clucking to herself and doing the banshee scream. I yelled at her to knock it off!

They never listen to me......
I remember doing hopscotch during lunch hour..or recess. What was the name of the most loved hopscotch? Name the cars. Not having nearly as many cars back then, made it pretty easy. I think we as adults are a bit on the spoiled side today too. Nooo waay could I name all of the cars out there today. Good ol Chevy and Ford was the main ones...note the order I put that in.
I remember doing hopscotch during lunch hour..or recess.   What was the name of the most loved hopscotch?   Name the cars.  Not having nearly as many cars back then, made it pretty easy.  I think we as adults are a bit on the spoiled side today too.  Nooo waay could I name all of the cars out there today.  Good ol Chevy and Ford was the main ones...note the order I put that in.  ;)

I remember the jingle back then "See the USA in a Chevrolet"
Once in the airport my baby sister set off the metal detector.

She had no idea why she had set it off.

The officer there asked her to turn out her pockets.... she had a coat with deep pockets....

And out came a solid metal cap gun made around 1947. Looked pretty realistic.

This was ages the guy didn't bat an eye...but wouldn't let us take it on the plane. He helped us out and found a box so that we could mail it...

They'd a locked her up and made big news today!

Few yrs ago our kids school was thinking of doing something with the old rifle range under the high school. Was called the dungeon when I was in high school early '90s, where the teacher's had their smokes. No smoking on the property anymore, not even in your own personal vehicle, must leave.
I heard at that meeting (I don't go to them things unless it's to vote) that some of the parents freaked out hearing about a rifle range under the school, obviously not local, imports, probably from the big city. Ahh, hello! Rifles have been a Olympic sport since the 1890s and still today.
I remember when I was in elementary school, '80s, the 'big kids' bringing their .22s on the school bus and handing them to the bus driver, gave them back when they got dropped off. Heard we had one of the top teams in the state back then.
Last yr one of our dd's friends was expelled permanently from school cause someone saw some empty shotgun shells in his vehicle, said he went rabbit hunting that morning and emptied his pockets before going in school.
Now, no one wants to see another Columbine or Sandy Hook, but they're taking it too far, Google how many kids, even kindergarteners,5yr olds, young teens also, expelled, kicked out, arrested, for drawing guns, making gun gestures, using sticks for pretend guns, water pistols
water pistols
I'd have to look it up but come graduation day, last day of school, if you weren't soaked, you didn't go to school, pretty sure the 'super soaker' pump up and spray! was invented in the early '90s, lots of water balloons made it to school and out also

Rant over...Lol!
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