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Star Trek, any of the series and the Dragonriders of Pern, were my favorites when I got into my teens and adulthood. I also Loved Stephen King books, and other horror books. Now I'm into reading TEOWAWKI and disaster books. 

I was always a pretty lonely kid and adolescent. We lived rural and all my friends lived in the city. Books were my friends.
Loved dragon riders and a few others have a few favorite sci fi authors myself
every book I ever bought here as well..   Piers Anthony I read some but didnt get into much   but I do have all the Ann Mcaffry books....  Dragon riders  and the ship books the Ship who sang....   the crystal singers....   Then there was a series where this woman spent so much time in hypersleep she wound up working for her grandaughter without knowing it.....  Also loved the Tarnsman from Gor series.

And of course Edgar Rice Borroughs ....  Tarzan, Princess of Mars, Gods of mars, Warlord of mars....  the Land Time Forgot.
Jules Vern was my first serious foray into reading scifi....   the Vernacular was a bit difficult at first but once you got adapted it was a spactactular read.....   20000 leags beneath the Sea,   Journey to the center of the earth, Mysterious Island, Around the world in eighty days,  from Earth to the moon.   and one stupendous book Off on a Comet Wrote in 1877   Amazing concept....

Did you ever try EC Tubb or Poul Anderson ?? Both I thought were great!!
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Thanks Alaskan. I'm getting over the initial desire to put my fist through a wall and looking on the optimistic side now. My 24 month olds that aren't showing funky irises and or pupils or not gaining weight, are all fat and sassy. I'm only seeing the problem so far in my Buff Orpingtons and Buff Orpington crosses. The Welsummers and OEGBs, and my lone SS hen are all asymptomatic so far so maybe they do have better immune systems. The one hen that has a pinpoint pupil still has gold irises and she is 24 months so I'm rooting on her immune system also.

As long as I have resistant survivors I can hatch my own so I'm not giving up.

As for the Hollindaise Sauce and bacon. If you take a medicine for cholesterol you have to give it something to do so you don't waste your money!

Actually... my cholesterol is pretty low.

I am supposed to making the "good" cholesterol higher.

The "bad" cholesterol is low too though. :ya

SOOOOOOOOOO happy for my good genetics. I love my fatty meats!

I had to look you up.
The United States has far more going on as far as states than we do with You're not that far away, but you're kinda close to the lakes. Do the lakes usually make a difference. Ontario gets it with the lake effect snow. We've been freezing temps here for most of the week, but we missed any predicted snow.

We warm up some by Saturday and it looks like it holds and then rises to the 70s by the 10th "if" they're right. Hopefully you'll warm up too. Totally understand with the chicky countdown.

Still seems weird seeing you with snow and knowing we are bare ground...
We're closer to Lake Superior than Lake Michigan so we get the "Superior drift". Lake effect snow as long as the Big Water doesn't freeze over completely, which rarely happens and the more open water, the more snow manages to get down to us. The crazy weather patterns this year haven't helped either. We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow night but then rain hard on Sunday so hopefully that will help get rid of the snow. 70's???? What are these 70's of which you speak??? I think we get those in July.
They are saying that we are supposed to be above normal by the end of the coming week which would put us into the high 50's
We have had years where we had snow right up to our Memorial Day (the end of May) that hasn't happened for a few years but almost every year without fail we have at least one freeze along with a couple days of frost the last few days of May/first few days of June depending when the full moon hits. The weather gurus say that because of the two big lakes (Superior being the largest fresh water body in the world) they totally control our weather and make it the most difficult place on the continent to accurately predict the weather.




The ONLY chore today was to find the blasted retainer.... or clean.

We found them!!!!

So grateful. Just wow.

Yea Alaskan!!!!

aw sweet chicks

I think we're past the falling snow. There's still some on the ground in places. Going to be a high of 75 tomorrow then back down into the 40s starting early next week.

My bees come tomorrow.

Lots to do this weekend, too.
75???? Wow. More snow tomorrow night then rain.

Older hens should not get Mareks. I have seen some stuff about problems being caused by mixing vaccinated with not vaccinated though. This can cause a bad strain of Mareks to develop.

Here in California, we can take live birds in for necropsy so we do not have to wait until one dies.
Ditto Ron. That's what happened to me. New vaccinated birds mixed with unvaccinated adults. I told the story already but at the time I wasn't aware that could happen.
Candled my two little duck eggs. Got a great shot of one of the babies feet......still wondering how far along, but putting them into lock down next Friday.....
Thanks ronott1. I plan to do that upon the next death, and I have a feeling there will be a next death. My 'OH CRAP' moment was when I saw one of my BO hens with unequal pupils suddenly have a pale green iris instead of a gold one. Kind of a given when you see that, especially after having 5 mysterious deaths, two from neurological problems and two birds a year and younger due to what looks like heart problems. The one I had die in my arms last month got me to doing research and then finding the grey eye in one of my hens pretty much pointed my nose in a direction I didn't like.
So sorry!!!

I know how you feel except mine was the fault of my own stupidity. I took in rescues without even thinking about their history/vaccinations. I just made some fatal assumptions and didn't ask the right questions until it was too late.

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