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Quote: No...super serious on the 70s. Really, really. But now they're saying it'll be 70 on May 5th.
(I don't think they know what the heck they talking about...I think they just guess and hope they're right....

I'm from the very lower west corner of Manitoba. That lake effect snow and resulting weather sounds like it sucks! I don't envy you there. That must make it very hard to plan...well...anything.

We've had major snow storms as late as the 3rd week in April. We're still getting frost and freezing temps. But it could change to 80. Then back to almost freezing. We usually have cold nights until June. I remember freezing almost to death on grad nights end of June. Last year was FRIGID. And all bets are off once Halloween comes. Normally we get snow on Halloween. Last year we didn't get snow until in December.
@Chickisoup, @Wickedchicken6 @Cynthia12--Thanks guys, much appreciated.

Chickisoup, I feel the same way. I chose disease resistant NPIP breeder chicks over vaccinated lesser quality hatchery birds that had been vaccinated because I wanted better quality birds. My bio security is as good as it can get with Amish all around us along with free range birds, none of which are on our property. No body goes in my coop or run except my husband or myself nor do we go in any one else's pens or handle their birds. In fact there hadn't been chickens on our property for over 6 years when we got our flock. I'll never know where it came from but I still can't stop asking myself what I missed. It's very frustrating.

When I started putting things together yesterday, I stood out with my birds and found myself apologizing to them as I handed out slices of apple. I feel like I've really let them down somehow. They didn't care, they just wanted me to hand out the apple slices a little faster.

Don't be too hard on yourself. I learned as they gobbled down apple that chickens don't hold long as the treats hold out.
I have fed apples we have a a very old apple tree about 80 years young
they fall in their run by the 100's no one can pick them all they go to rot on the ground
lost one bird that was a few to 6 months after apples, I do not go buy them for the birds
My birds love all fruit. Even bananas. They especially like it when the fruit starts to ripen in the orchard and we toss them the bug damaged fruit as it ripens. It's fun when we pick blackberries and we look over to see all these hopeful little faces lined up at the fence waiting for us to toss them berries.
ya know maybe I could one of you that has the wild dewberry plant a small start
I would pay to get it out here wrap it in a baggie then a wet paper towel actually when I order berries
or trees that is how they send them
typing to fast for my fingers to keep up with my thought
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My birds also love bananas and apples and pears and grapes. We have 2 Apple trees, a pear tree and a cherry tree out there. They chow down on everything that comes down. Funny to see cherry pits in the chicky poo. :D. Of course they like the melons too, but a few out there now aren't too fond of raspberries? What??
We do have a ancient choke cherry tree was told they were used for Jam?
or jelly? We understand that the man that built the house over the years planted
these fruit trees he died in the mid 80's his wife 4 months before him but they where married 65 years
he was the post master here

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