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Naked necks x silkies has been done years ago - the result is called Showgirls a variety of silkie with naked necks . Some have a completely naked neck, some have a cute bow tie mid way down the neck. I think after the initial cross, you can breed showgirls back to regular silkies and still get a percentage of showgirls & regular silkies.. They have all the silkie characteristics - broodiness etc. and depending on parents can be silkie colors, white, black, splash, buff etc.

Go check out the SHOWGIRLS THREAD - they also make great dust mops
Would be sweet meshing to see a naked neck with a poodle top

Some of us already own these.
We do have a ancient choke cherry tree was told they were used for Jam? 
or jelly? We understand that the man that built the house over the years planted
these fruit trees he died in the mid 80's his wife 4 months before him but they where married 65 years
he was the post master here

We have a lot of choke cherry trees, they are small trees though. More the size of elderberry bushes. They don't taste that great, kinda dry your mouth out. We used to eat them all the time when we were kids though anyway. Pits large for the size of the small berry. Some people actually think they are poisonous Lol!
Used to eat a lot of wild raisins also.
My mom always made choke cherry jam, I loved it, really good.
Native Americans ground the choke cherries up pits and all and added them to meat and fat to make pemmican. I was wondering about the poison in the pits, read somewhere the process of smoking and dehydrating the pemmican removes the toxin in the pits.
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Micro I'm so sorry your having problems with some of your birds.

I recall some on the Heritage thread talking about raising birds that are resistant to all sickness and if they lost some they just lost them.
In the end they had a healthier stronger flock.
I hope yours will also be stronger and resistant to what ever is ailing yours.

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