The Old Folks Home

@Fields Mountain Farm :welcome and to the Old Folks Home!
No one could possibly intrude! We are happy see anyone who happens to stop in.
My grands love to come and help me with the chickens and barn cat chores. The kids, not so much.
I couldn't have said this any better myself!
Indeed...welcome to BYC and the Old Folks Home! :frow It's great to meet you!

And if you haven't yet...please make sure to introduce yourself on the new members thread. There are always great members waiting to welcome you there as well. :thumbsup
I thought that my Ottman Ancestors came to the US and settled in scholare county NY. My Genetic test says no. I do not have any family groups in that area.

Genealogies are great but do not tell you if the person you though was a relative really wasn't. Memories are not good and the stories and dates may be wrong too.

I used to think I was German but now know that I am mostly Brittish Isles...
Everyone's stories of their genealogy and backgrounds are fascinating!
I'm really enjoying these. :)

I'm glad you found out more about your lineage, Ron. I imagine that was a bit of a surprise.

Wow you guys!!! I don't know much about my family history and was always leery of digging too deeply. I'm afraid my "tree" would turn out to be a bowl of granola loaded with too many fruits, nuts and flakes!!! :lau

Well, I did it. DH and I have been working for almost a week now, weather permitting, to put a small addition onto our little coop which will be able to serve as a safe brooder room, growout pen (it will have it's own pophole and separate little run connected to the main run) and isolation area if necessary. Major project for two fogies. This will allow me, among other things, to finally be able to brood chicks in a safe environment, OUTSIDE, instead of in the front bedroom, which will make the DH very happy. This will also allow us to be able to leave overnight if needed (remember the dying BIL) and set the chicks up with only the need for my (fellow) crazy chicken lady to pop over and check on everybody.

This leads up to the "I did it" part. I ordered new chicks from a hatchery last night. Some of you might remember the total horror show I experienced with my attempts early last month to get chicks delivered alive. This time I decided to go with Hoover's Hatchery for several reasons. One, they are only one state away in Iowa so as long as the post office doesn't send them to the wrong city first, again, they stand a good chance of arriving within a reasonable time frame, they have good prices and FREE shipping (great prices right now with their sale), they don't offer a ton of different breeds, instead choosing to focus on maintaining healthy solid stock and then there's this;
"HOOVER’S BIOSECURITY CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Poultry sold is originated directly from parent stock tested and found negative for pullorum typhoid diseases within the past 12 months. All of our breeders have had no incident of AI (avian influenza) shown with our blood testing. We also vaccinate all of our breeders for marek’s, Bronchitis-Newcastle, bursal, fowl pox, laryngotracheitis, and salmonella. Hoover’s Hatchery works to receive permits from each state we ship to as a part of our business."
This is a family business that was founded in the 40's and every single one of their breeder farms is located in the surrounding area. Only their meat chicks are purchased from another farm and trucked to them daily.
I really don't know a lot about the quality of their birds except that they state on their site these are not show quality but they supply many of the TS stores chicks and folks who have bought those have posted on here that they were happy with them.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that they offer several different vaccination options and only charge 20 cents a piece per shot! This is a whole lot less than what I have paid in the past. They ship next Monday soooooo, :fl, I'll post pics when they arrive.
:thumbsup on the addition. That'll make things a lot better! Interested to hear about the chicks when they come! The hatchery etc sounds really good. jumpy.gif
As much of the demolition as possible and we removed the cabinet doors and put them back on. I spent a lot of hours this weekend getting the counters off and the plumbing out of the way.

Ceramic tiles are very heavy!
That's looking good Ron!
Thought of you'all when I saw this. Supposedly took in DW' s cousins town in Ohio
View attachment 1033888
gig.gif Well, that looks interesting. Poor horse can't stand straight.

I have a story like the pic. No word of a lie...the horse I got when I was 10 showed up in the back of a half ton.

Not like the horse in the pic though...she showed up with no racks, no sides...just in the open back with nothing around her, just standing. She turned around with them holding the halter from outside the box and she just popped out of the box to the

And I didn't know a horse was showing up...actually no one did except Grandpa and everyone was out baling in the field. I think she was originally from Kentucky...she had been a dog trainer's horse. Grandpa was a sale goer and he must've got talking to the one guy...he was a horse trader.

The horse came from south of where I live they trucked her about an hour to where I used to I still think that's amazing! gig.gif
View attachment 1033993 Well, that looks interesting. Poor horse can't stand straight.

I have a story like the pic. No word of a lie...the horse I got when I was 10 showed up in the back of a half ton.

Not like the horse in the pic though...she showed up with no racks, no sides...just in the open back with nothing around her, just standing. She turned around with them holding the halter from outside the box and she just popped out of the box to the

And I didn't know a horse was showing up...actually no one did except Grandpa and everyone was out baling in the field. I think she was originally from Kentucky...she had been a dog trainer's horse. Grandpa was a sale goer and he must've got talking to the one guy...he was a horse trader.

The horse came from south of where I live they trucked her about an hour to where I used to I still think that's amazing! View attachment 1033993
I remember old tyme cowboys used to do that to get from point a to b. Back in the sixties.

Most put up stock sides on the pickup though.

I remember old tyme cowboys used to do that to get from point a to b. Back in the sixties.

Most put up stock sides on the pickup though.

I guess they were still doing stuff like that in the 80s up because it would've been '82. I'd of been worried she'd fall over the side. They must've drove slow/carefully. The men would've been in their 60s-70s. Definitely...we had stock sides for our half And grain truck.
Um...we still do.:lau :oops: I was still hauling cattle with the grain truck close to 2000.

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