The Old Folks Home

I couldn't have said this any better myself!
Indeed...welcome to BYC and the Old Folks Home! :frow It's great to meet you!

And if you haven't yet...please make sure to introduce yourself on the new members thread. There are always great members waiting to welcome you there as well. :thumbsup
Thanks a bunch. And yes, I did the intro and have fumbled around the site a bit, left a couple of post here and there. I'm slowly getting the hang of it
I'm not very tech savvy so some of my posts may be a bit bonkers,lol. But I'll get it worked out before too long, I
Please be patient with me here, I'll try to respond to all replies, but I seem to be getting a little"lost" when posting replies.
Also, I'm always open to advice and suggestions.
Love the pic of the horse in the truck.... We see stuff like that around here more often than we
Although we brought a mini pony home in the back of our suburban when our 13 yr old was 5. Hehehe

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