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Good quiet morning everyone

Wow, what a wild Sunday p.m. It started out ok, just a little wet. Then around supper time it started. Watches, warnings, watches and then the first storm hit. After that it was one warning after another. The storms just kept coming. Never lost power but a lot of folks up here did and are still out. I can't remember ever having one after another roll thru like that with no break and it went on nonstop for more than 5 hours. Don't know exactly how much rain because my gauge only holds 4" and it overflowed. We are supposed to be dry today and you folks to the south get a turn then we get it again on Tuesday.
My chicks are supposed to ship from Hoover's in northern Iowa today. I hope they're going to equip them with little water wings!
Have a blessed, safe week!
Hope you got ducks instead of chickens!!
Oops, sorry for the bold "yelling", didn't notice the bold typing and I'm not awake enough yet to correct it. Those storms didn't let up til after 1 a.m. and the pup was so freaked she kept me awake.

Have a safe trip Al!!!

Sorry for the guinea loss. They are crazy critters!

Getaclue - fingers crossed on the hatchings! :fl

SCG - great pics! Sorry for laughing but your potty run was hilarious! :lau

Not supposed to rain again until tonight, just hot and sticky, whoopee. We don't do hot and sticky!!! We don't have AC in the house, never needed it before, then rain the rest of the week! Come on, we're not Seattle! :barnie Guess I'm going have to teach the DH how to build a swamp cooler. Silly city boy has no idea what one is. (Did I ever mention the poor deprived thing spent the first 40+ yrs living in Milwaukee? He was finally rescued when a certain crazy country girl came along and recognized he could still be shown the light and carried him off to the real world ;)) Prior to me his idea of "country" was spending a week up north at "Deer Camp". Yep. That kind of deer camp. From what I understand once in a while one of the guys would actually shoot a deer. :lau:lau:lau I helped him drag his first buck out of the woods. (He had shot the occasional doe over the years prior :p )
Ok I've got a good question and need some suggestions. What and how long do you feed your chickens before you butcher them to make them tender? Last year I had some tough birds
It is not really what you feed them so much as how old they are. They will get to be much tougher after 12 to 16 weeks old.

Made an inquiry to about a week ago as the site said they are about to offer dressed bresse in the San Diego CA area. I asked how they were growing out their birds and following response was given

by Jon who will be harvesting their first batch tomorrow. Kudos to them for bringing the first Bresse to market in the US............mark The conversation is reprinted here with Jon's permission.


I grow out my Bresse inside a grow out pen and pasture. I feed grow crumbles, and I fatten for two weeks on milk, wheat flour and corn meal with Barley meal. I purchase flour and the milk at Costco corn and barley from the feed store. The birds gain almost 2 lbs on this fattening diet and marble the fat throughout the muscle. The fattening process is the secret, it is the same as was used 100 years ago here in the US for fattening heritage birds back then. Look up on the Internet fattening chickens. They are considered milk fattened if the majority of the liquid they take is milk during this time. It cost almost $2 to fatten one chicken but gains 2 lbs in weight. I hope this answered you question.
Hey Jon, Thanks for sharing the way you you grow out your Bresse for market. When will your dressed Bresse be available, price per pound or per bird? With head and feet or clipped below the drumstick without the head or something different? Will they be available to ship anywhere?
Exciting to see them used as intended in the US Kudos and Thank You


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Safe travels @Alaskan :hugs
We'll "see you" when you return.
Oh mann hope the trip is pleasant at least.....
Same here. Ugh...hoping it goes better as planned. Sometimes a young 'un can work like magic and lighten the mood. Our visit on the weekend to my Gran went incredibly well...we had the boy with us. I don't think one ugly thing made it's way out of her mouth. Hoping it all goes smoothly and quickly for you and your boy. :hugs
(And I'm sure we're all relieved you won't be gone until 2020) ;)
Good quiet morning everyone

Wow, what a wild Sunday p.m. It started out ok, just a little wet. Then around supper time it started. Watches, warnings, watches and then the first storm hit. After that it was one warning after another. The storms just kept coming. Never lost power but a lot of folks up here did and are still out. I can't remember ever having one after another roll thru like that with no break and it went on nonstop for more than 5 hours. Don't know exactly how much rain because my gauge only holds 4" and it overflowed. We are supposed to be dry today and you folks to the south get a turn then we get it again on Tuesday.
My chicks are supposed to ship from Hoover's in northern Iowa today. I hope they're going to equip them with little water wings!
Have a blessed, safe week!
I'm really happy you made it through that. It MUST be fairly wide spread, we're supposed to get dumped on tomorrow too! A quick search shows they've lessened the amount of rain...but lately that's what happens until right before the pour...and then they switch it back to the original amounts. Doesn't make a difference because we usually get more than they predict.

Hope your wee chickies get there ok.:fl
Oops, sorry for the bold "yelling", didn't notice the bold typing and I'm not awake enough yet to correct it. Those storms didn't let up til after 1 a.m. and the pup was so freaked she kept me awake.

Have a safe trip Al!!!

Sorry for the guinea loss. They are crazy critters!

Getaclue - fingers crossed on the hatchings! :fl

SCG - great pics! Sorry for laughing but your potty run was hilarious! :lau

Not supposed to rain again until tonight, just hot and sticky, whoopee. We don't do hot and sticky!!! We don't have AC in the house, never needed it before, then rain the rest of the week! Come on, we're not Seattle! :barnie Guess I'm going have to teach the DH how to build a swamp cooler. Silly city boy has no idea what one is. (Did I ever mention the poor deprived thing spent the first 40+ yrs living in Milwaukee? He was finally rescued when a certain crazy country girl came along and recognized he could still be shown the light and carried him off to the real world ;)) Prior to me his idea of "country" was spending a week up north at "Deer Camp". Yep. That kind of deer camp. From what I understand once in a while one of the guys would actually shoot a deer. :lau:lau:lau I helped him drag his first buck out of the woods. (He had shot the occasional doe over the years prior :p )
Well don't send your hot and sticky to us! :p I don't have this infernal new air conditioner hooked up yet. WHY they can't make them with the same size of tubes is beyond me. Probably because it would make good sense! :barnie
Someone needs a boot in know what. kickedit.gif

Hoping we don't get much rain.:fl And you either. :fl
And thanks about the guinea hen. :hugs

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