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You have 6 horses? That must be a big feed bill! I mean, they eat like horses, right?:lau
They do... but, I got lucky and all but one of mine are "easy keepers" and haven't gotten any significant amount of grain in years (they steal a bite here and there and pick up grain dropped on the floor) and they are still FAT... so I only grain 1 horse, he gets about 5 lbs of feed per day, 50 lb bag is about $14. The hay... if I were to feed hay for half a year (say 190 days), I would need a little less than 600 bales (square) for the year for everyone. At around $5 a bale, about $3,000 a year... Or, the 6 horses eat about half the price amount weekly as my husband and I do (our grocery bill is usually around $100-$200, the hay would work out to $60 a week) so, not too bad unless you look at YEARLY costs, daily and weekely isn't bad at all

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