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X2 Clue I hope they deliver your new appliances in perfect condition.

When we were kids we used a pillow case for our candy. It hot so full we dragged it home. But my mom went through our candy even back then. Her dad was a cop and I guess she didn't trust so easily.
We always had so much candy that mom would eventually throw it out.
Mention to a teacher, I have a few times, that kids should go to school all yr round, ..... gahhrrgrowlgrr:rant they do not like that idea, guess they enjoy their months off paid per yr.
I'm actually married to a teacher. They don't get paid vacation other than spring break and christmas break, so they can't just go on vacation when they want. The summer break is not paid, they choose when they get hired if they want to be paid more for the months that they get paid, or get paid 12 months and get less (same amount yearly spaced over more pay periods). I also know that my husband has been sent to learning confrences 2 times during the summer, may get sent away again this summer. Last summer, he had to work an extra 2 weeks into the summer break due to 1 dumb student that was a senior and HAD to pass a class to be able to graduate, so he had to go in for 2 weeks to tutor her. There are a lot of long days (salary so not paid extra), there are several days each year when he has game duty and does't get home until 10pm or later just to have to get back up at 4am to get ready to go back. Zach has also paid out hundreds of dollars out of his own pocket for stuff for the kids and his class. Not to mention the 40K+ student loan debt that he may never get paid off....

They DO get a lot of holidays that I don't get, but, it's not as good a deal as it looks like from the outside.
Heard a story on the radio, think it was Glenn Beck. He does these history things on radio. Where the whole fear of Halloween candy came from, poison, razer blades, needles. I just looked it up and apparently he was right. There have been no confirmed cases of any of it, a lot of false reporting and media hype.
Only confirmed case, the boogeyman of them all, guy poisoned his own son in 1974 with a cyanide pixie stick to collect a $40,000 life insurance policy.
That sad Kusnar.

Bc I always checked my kids candy and threw out a hand full that was not wrapped.

Last summer I bought some giant strawberries at the grocery store.
I froze them to slice in my oatmeal.
I scraped the seeds off a couple to see if they would grow.

They are sprouting.
I'm actually married to a teacher. They don't get paid vacation other than spring break and christmas break, so they can't just go on vacation when they want. The summer break is not paid, they choose when they get hired if they want to be paid more for the months that they get paid, or get paid 12 months and get less (same amount yearly spaced over more pay periods). I also know that my husband has been sent to learning confrences 2 times during the summer, may get sent away again this summer. Last summer, he had to work an extra 2 weeks into the summer break due to 1 dumb student that was a senior and HAD to pass a class to be able to graduate, so he had to go in for 2 weeks to tutor her. There are a lot of long days (salary so not paid extra), there are several days each year when he has game duty and does't get home until 10pm or later just to have to get back up at 4am to get ready to go back. Zach has also paid out hundreds of dollars out of his own pocket for stuff for the kids and his class. Not to mention the 40K+ student loan debt that he may never get paid off....

They DO get a lot of holidays that I don't get, but, it's not as good a deal as it looks like from the outside.
Don't get me wrong, I love teachers, and sure wouldn't want their job, no way would I want to home school either,we love our kids, but we need a break from them :lol:
With five kids, 19-5yrs, I've had the conversation a few times through the yrs.
There is always some politician or 'education minister' whatever that brings up how other countries schools are better than ours, and our American kids should go longer days and year round. Year round cause they are not farm help anymore.
They use China as one example of better education system (ummm, only the elite's kids in China go to school, the rest of the peasants kids are in sweat shops, and making Apple Iphones for pennies per hr, seven days a week...)
Longer days? Wow, they must not take into account the rural school kids. Ours get on the bus at 7am, back home at 4pm, that's a pretty long day for the little one's.

I've brought up the year round school idea, think it would be good. Easier on parents that have to use a babysitter. Would be better for the dairy farmers, more stabilized milk industry. All that milk that goes to schools, comes to a screeching halt those summer months. Dairy plants either sell loads at a drastic loss, give it away even if they can find a place to take it, and sometimes just dump it, many trailer loads. Can't just shut the spigot off.

Bring up year round school to a teacher, they do not like that idea, say they need a break from those kids :lol:
They would get paid more I'm sure of that, higher year round salary, teachers union is pretty powerful. And I'm sure some teachers might like the idea, and I know some do teach year round already.
I guess if I could have a job with summer off (not a teacher) I would like it. Though I'd probably find another job for the summer, and I know some teachers do also.
I had to work ten years here before I had enough seniority to get one week off in the summer, deer season is worse. I can get a week in bow season, but 15yrs here now nothing available in regular rifle season.
We do get the first day of regular deer season off as a paid holiday Lol. Was put into the contract long before I started there, they gave up Columbus day for 'Deer day'.
Good morning everybody

Interesting conversations this morning.

Teaching is like nursing as a career. You really have to have a calling and be a bit of a masochist in order to fulfill your education and career choice. Both are underpaid and underappreciated.

When we were planning our retirement, DH looked into getting a young grad to take over the practice. One he talked to explained that he was looking for part time work and needed hours, lots of hours per week as he was anxious to pay off his student loans. He graduated from the same medical school that DH went to only his student loans were over 200,000 dollars that he had to pay off. We about passed out. My Nursing college costs for two years was something like 1800 dollars back in 75. I talked to a young woman 10 years later in the same college program and her education was over 10.000 dollars. Kids are coming out of college in dept. Deep dept. yet in order to make a decent living they have to have that college diploma in their hands.

I'm really wondering if the on line colleges aren't going to be the wave of the future.

Taking it easy today. I was on my feet too much yesterday and my back really let me know it. I do have to work on the brooder for my chicks are due to hatch early next week. My regular brooder is occupied by my two week olds and I don't want to put newly hatched tinies in with them so I found a tote that I need to start carving on for them so it is ready.
They just left. I've got pics, but please excuse the condition of my kitchen. I have not wiped everything down, put stuff into it, or finished cleaning up.


Open view

This has a smaller access door on
one side, giving access to things I use most, without having to open the big door into the whole fridge. That helps keep the temperature more stable, and saves energy.

I assume you've all been to Home Depot, or Lowes, and have seen the larger refrigerators, so you know what the middle storage, and freezer look like.

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