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I'm just a little frustrated at myself for not knowing about this. I'm not sure how I missed it. I vaguely recall DH talking about getting passport a few months ago, but I clearly wasn't paying attention. :oops:
It should have been an option at renewal time. Mine is up next January so will get the new one then.
Too late to say good morning so I'll just say good afternoon everybody and I hope everyone is having a good start to the week.

Back pain is back to a tolerable level so I'm off and running. Should be getting the results to my RA testing the middle of the week.:fl I hope they are negative but on the other hand I'd like to know what is causing the loss of function and nodules on my knuckles.

I had pulled three roosters from the bantam coop and put them in the bachelor pen, This morning they had let me know that they didn't appreciate the new neighbors and had beat up the three newcomers. I had to pull them and put them back in the main coop. One had an eye swelled shut....2nd bird with a black eye so to speak...the other two had lost a lot of feathers and just looked pathetic. Told DH that instead of using the new coop for the large roosters I'd better think about using it for the barnyard bantams because those boys are running on 100% testosterone right now and not being as warm and cuddly with one another as they were over the winter months. The 4 that are in charge are in one piece but the junior birds are just at it constantly.

I assured them I would give the loosers a proper funeral

Good news! My pumpkin and squash seeds are germinating and breaking soil.

More good news. DH built an arduino power regulator for my second brooder light. I'm going to post some pictures of it and detail it's construction costs were less than three dollars and took a minimal of construction.

But first, I'm off to town to buy feed, wood and pick up RXs.
Glad you are feeling better. Excited to hear your seeds are germinating!
I only have a state ID as legally blind had occasion to look at it the other day
darn thing expired 2017 just looked again issued 2015 expired in 2017
That is a bit of a pickle. Since you don't drive, you can't get an enhanced license. You can get a passport card, I think they are cheaper than a passport and are good for 10 years, like a passport. BUT, it seems there is a bit of a hole here. Passport cards, unlike passports, can't be used for air travel!! Neither can an enhanced drivers license (which WA does have). You would need a "Real-ID" compliant license.

I don't suppose they could make it more confusing. I THINK I need my passport to fly anywhere but I can drive to Canada with my Enhanced license. DW can use her Passport card (didn't get an Enhanced license since she got the Passport card when she renewed her passport. Longer period, 10 years vs 4) to drive to Canada.

I don't recall it looking any different, but I'll go take a peek.
You would know, they will ask for a ton of documentation that you don't need for a driver's license.
Alaska refuses to switch to the funky drivers liscenses... lots of reasons against: too much info on them... more expensive to make... sign of the devil... too much big brother interference ....


But that means that if you want to get on an airplane... you will need a passport. :confused:

So I dunno. I am against the fancy drivers license. ... but now I need a passport. So..... at least I don't have to always carry the passport with me... so maybe that is a win???

I, for one, felt the passport was very invasive to my privacy.

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