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The thing about dental care that really hurts, is the bill. I have Delta too. I just direct pain to my fingers or my toes- it honestly works. Novacaine takes so long to wear off I hate it.

My dentist knows I don't need it but, when he was doing a 4 tooth bridge for me, out of nowhere he stabbed me big time and tons of novacaine. Believe me the needle hurt much more that going without it would have. It also took forever to wear off. :rant

Someone on BYC told me dentists like to give big hits of novacaine so it won't wear off fast and need another injection.

I may be a little Chihuahua of a person but, I don't bite or snap. Though he does tempt me.:mad:
I do need novacaine. Lots of it. Plus gas. Super, super sensitive teeth and a fear of dentists that came from my childhood dentist. I had lots of cavities, and the amount of novocaine he'd give while filling didn't work. I'd tell him it hurt, and he would say, "No it doesn't." and keep right on drilling. My current dentist knows to just give me the 3 or 4 shots to begin with, and crank up the gas. I have two crowns. The first one wasn't terrible, but the second one was. They about had to peel me off the ceiling by the time we were done. If I ever need a root canal, I think I'll just bring in a club so he can knock me in the head and put me out.
I could bottle up about a million of those annoying Japanese Beetle, Lady Bugs, whatchamaycallems that we have around here and send them to you. They LOVE aphids. Only good thing about the little monsters. They battle to get in to hybernate in the fall and battle to get out this time of the year. We had about 25 of them crawling around on our bathroom window yesterday. My solution? Got out the shop vac and sucked the little beggers up. Of course now the exhaust from the shop vac smells like beetles.....:sick

Went out tonight between storms to gather eggs. Found one of my little under two pound hens sitting on a single egg. Went to secure said egg and the sweet, tiny, beautiful little lady turned into a screeching, pecking, biting monster. I was yelling OUCH! STOP IT! until the little darling grabbed ahold of my hoody sleeve and started shaking it like a dog. I cracked up at that. It's just hard to take a tiny velociraptor seriously.

I finally secured the egg, thinking all the while that I was glad she wasn't @superchemicalgirl's renowned attack turkey. My big girls don't bite that hard when they are protesting me swiping their eggs. DH asked me what I was going to do if she decided to REALLY go broody and my response was, as fierce she was protecting that single egg, if she wants to hatch eggs, I value my skin enough to let her! She'll be a fierce mother hen.
Lucky for us, the lady bugs up there are the real native ones.

Broodies are very serious!
I do need novacaine. Lots of it. Plus gas. Super, super sensitive teeth and a fear of dentists that came from my childhood dentist. I had lots of cavities, and the amount of novocaine he'd give while filling didn't work. I'd tell him it hurt, and he would say, "No it doesn't." and keep right on drilling. My current dentist knows to just give me the 3 or 4 shots to begin with, and crank up the gas. I have two crowns. The first one wasn't terrible, but the second one was. They about had to peel me off the ceiling by the time we were done. If I ever need a root canal, I think I'll just bring in a club so he can knock me in the head and put me out.
Thanks for the encouragement!

:lau It will be fine for me...I hope!
Woke up to see the power go off. Yes, we paid our bill. It was a squirrel vs a transformer. It took them about an hour to get it back on. In the meantime, I went to the little store for a cup of coffee, and then to the feed store. Power was on when I got back home.
Doggone Squirrels!

Since I have a gas stove, I can still make coffee during a power outage. The water still runs too. I do have to light the burner with a match since the electric igniter will not work without power
Update on the Pastor's wife that had a second dog attack in 6 months...She has new egg laying hens!

She feels terrible about the dead pullets and they are supposedly making the run bigger....Hopefully they will actually close the run off and lock them in at night. I kind of doubt it though
My first childhood dentist was fantastic. When I was an adult, he retired. At that point, I had to find a dentist for me, and my kids. My ex sister-in-law suggested a dental center. We went there. They had 2 dentists that were very good. Later another dentist joined their practice. The first time he replaced one of my fillings, he overdid it bad on the novacaine. The whole side of my face was frozen up to my eyeballs. It didn't wear off until late that night. Whenever they would try to schedule me, or the kids with him, I made them let us see the other two. None of us ever saw him again as our dentist.

It's a shame when one gets a dentist that does not know how to properly administer novacaine, and makes the experience worse than it need be.
I hope the pastor, and his wife have come to realize they need to protect their flock. One can hope.

If the power outage had gone over an hour, I would have fired up the generator. I can survive an hour without power though. Actually, I have a percolator that can be used on the stove, or over a fire. Dh is the one that suggested I run up to the little store, and buy a cup of coffee. They keep things pretty clean in there, and have decent coffee, so that's what I did this time.
My childhood dentist(actually up to 35 yrs. of age) was a family friend but not a very good dentist. He was a big, roly, poly man with hands like a blacksmith. He just could not do delicate work. He'd always say, "No the cavities aren't ready yet." What he meant was he needed them to be a major part of the tooth before he'd attempt working on them.
He didn't use novacaine but that was okay with me, I was more scared of needles then, than pain. He did some very unusual dentistry. He would drill from one tooth to a neighboring one and have the filling start at one tooth and finish at the next one. Looked like he was connecting legos. I'm on my fourth dentist since him.

Dentist I had after him was great but, unfortunately retired after about a year of me seeing him. He was the best, I would have followed him anywhere. Also let me make payments to him when I could and not need a credit company. Had him paid off before the work was completed.

The dentist that took over his practice was horrible. The PA dentist that followed was too.

Dentist I see now isn't bad BUT, very poor business practices. For instance I was in the chair waiting for him to install 4 tooth bridge and he just disappeared. He had a new patient and was showing her, his art gallery. He had a zillion pictures he had bought off the internet- and rooms and rooms filled with them.

I was there so long, the senior bus dispatcher sent the driver over to look for me. In that one visit for the bridge, he used up the entire insurance limit for the year. So I haven't seen him since. My new insurance period will start in May so I will try to get an appt. for then. I hope in the year in between, I haven't developed any expensive problems. :mad::tongue

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