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These have been hanging around my house...

baby sandhill.jpg

We see the Sandhill Cranes all the time. It's the babies this small that is a treat, and there are 2 of them. It won't be too long, and the babies will change color to resemble their parents. Both the parents take care of them.

These have been hanging around my house...

View attachment 1733208
We see the Sandhill Cranes all the time. It's the babies this small that is a treat, and there are 2 of them. It won't be too long, and the babies will change color to resemble their parents. Both the parents take care of them.

View attachment 1733209

:eek::th they are THERE!!!

And already have babies !! :eek:

I think I heard our cranes 2 days ago... but I haven't yet SEEN them. And none have landed by my windows and looked me in the eye and said "spring"

So maybe it is spring... and maybe it isn't..... I will keep you posted. :pop
I deep 6 in there all the time.

We did have a couple more but the cats got to them!
I starte out with 5. I now have 3 - I think the fetching machine (my dog) wandered off with a couple.

These have been hanging around my house...

View attachment 1733208
We see the Sandhill Cranes all the time. It's the babies this small that is a treat, and there are 2 of them. It won't be too long, and the babies will change color to resemble their parents. Both the parents take care of them.

View attachment 1733209
We had a pair spend the summer a couple of miles from here last year. Ususally they just pass through. No babies for them as far as I know.

Actually, the varied thrush usually shows up a week or two before the cranes... I haven't heard them yet. :hit

Pretty bird! Do the Sandhills breed when they're visiting you for the summer, Al?
Finally got them to hold still long enough to get a picture!


Left to right, Varn, Ox, Sidney, Bentley and Diesel.

They slept until 2 pm and have been raising H. E. double hockey sticks since then. My utility room will never be the same.

Love the pics of the cranes. We usually have them stop over at our pond but never nest there. Smart birds.

The only new arrival we have had is my pair of bluebirds are back, third year in a row. Folks at MDC swear that they will only nest in specifically built boxes. My breeding pair must not be so fussy as they return to the same standard bird house every year.

Penny, you would probably be giving the little heathen back to us. They are complete wild childs although they seem to be catching on to the fact that it is better to do their business outside than inside. Poor Buck and Spot are resigned. The pups have turned the tables and are now barking at them every chance they get.
Finally got them to hold still long enough to get a picture!

View attachment 1733456
Left to right, Varn, Ox, Sidney, Bentley and Diesel.

They slept until 2 pm and have been raising H. E. double hockey sticks since then. My utility room will never be the same.

Love the pics of the cranes. We usually have them stop over at our pond but never nest there. Smart birds.

The only new arrival we have had is my pair of bluebirds are back, third year in a row. Folks at MDC swear that they will only nest in specifically built boxes. My breeding pair must not be so fussy as they return to the same standard bird house every year.

Penny, you would probably be giving the little heathen back to us. They are complete wild childs although they seem to be catching on to the fact that it is better to do their business outside than inside. Poor Buck and Spot are resigned. The pups have turned the tables and are now barking at them every chance they get.
The pups do look like they have a lot of energy!

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