The Old Folks Home

Meds are usually an issue with me. I get busy or busy napping and forget to take them.
Don't remember the supplements either. Wake up and find the pills from the day before I didn't take either.

Other times I can't find the daily pill holder and don't want to start another, just in case I already took some. :smack
Morning all.

We had another 3/4s inch of rain here last night. They are calling for more storms tonight and 1-2 inches of rain. Everything feels like a saturated sponge. I finally had to take the Fayoumis out of their little pen and put them in the rooster pen. The roosters went up to torment the big hens. Told them if they wouldn't come out, wouldn't freerange, they could dang well babysit. The little pen had all the attraction of a small hog wallow.

I walked out to check the garden and I have 10 feet of onions that are rotting in the ground and bean seeds that are rotting. Sigh. Mother nature. What a (fill in the blank).

Having problems with my meds. Went into some really weird side effect loop but don't know if it is from the gout medicine or the MTX. Both have similar side effects so I put them both on hold. PA increased both at the same time. The MTX is at it's high level dosage for inflammation and the gout med went from 100 to 300 mg. I am having lots of stomach cramping, not lower intestinal cramping but upper, in my stomach and esophagus. Gas, bloating, headache, dizziness, muscle cramping and worst of all it causes my pulse rate to go erratic which is just plain scary. The only thing that controls it is Pepto Bismol. I take meds for Gerd now and it's blowing through that. I'm worried that it's the MTX and when I see the PA in July she is going to rip me a new one for stopping it and the gout meds but I'd rather have pains than feel the way my guts feel right now. Rant over, sorry. DH is upset that they increased both meds at the same time. He said he would never do that to a patient because if problems arise you never know which drug is causing it.

Oh well, that which does not kill me makes me stronger.

I have a pair of meat sheers that were my Mom's and antique. I also have a filleting knife and a skinning knife but the Scalpel idea is intriguing. Although I have cut myself with one before in the line of duty. Maybe I'd better stick with the knife and maybe use a one sided razor blade in a holder to do the neck slice.

Hearing where @CapricornFarm's area is in for some really high temps. Stay safe all you east coasters.

Two nights ago I finished up my last embroidered quilt block. Took me almost a year to do them from concept to conclusion. Yesterday I started constructing the top. I'll post pictures when I have finished the basting.

Y'all have a great one. No big plans here other than to keep our heads above water. Literally..............
I hope the stomach pains get better!

Processing is a matter of figuring out what works for you. It will take some time and expect things to go slowly at first.
@microchick YOU know what the meds are doing to you, the doctors only know what is "supposed" to happen to the "average" patient. DW manages to get the side effects that are so far down the list of "likely to happen" no one usually reads down that far. DD1 had side effects from many of the various drugs for migraine she was put on over the years. When the doctor didn't call back within a day of us calling to talk about it, DW backed her off them herself. You do what you think is best and if the doctor doesn't like it, maybe it is time to show them the short pier and find another.
Had wrist surgery after a patient tweeked a wrist that had a ganglion cyst on it. The cyst became inflamed. Lots of pain and stiffness. My doc at the time opened it with a big hypodermic needle and it was really weird. The fluid that came out of it was clear and looked like mucilage. Or dried rubber cement. She was really impressed and admitted that she had tried that before on another patient but it had never worked like it did on me. When the pain continued, I went to a brace and finally surgery as it was painful to push my med cart around the wing.

The surgery went well. Doc told me that there was a lot of scar tissue around my tendons that he stripped away. I told him it was probably from my RF as my wrists got really inflamed and he agreed.

No problems since then, at least not in my right wrist.

More storms moving in this morning. Just what we need.....not.....
We need rain, these days in the 90s have everything drying up.
We need rain, these days in the 90s have everything drying up.
You can have some of ours if more comes this way. Our ground is so wet it's squishy everywhere. Even places that aren't usually wet. My garden smells like a swamp. I haven't planted a thing this spring because it's a muddy mess. We are several weeks behind in fieldwork. DH didn't get the wheat planted that he was hoping to, and it doesn't look good for corn either. I don't want it in the 90's and drying up, but somewhere in the middle would be nice, wouldn't it?
Morning all!

Severe storms all night here. This is how I feel this morning.:caf. DH just checked the rain gauge. 3.75 inches since last night. Glug is all I can say and it's still raining with more storms showing up on radar.

One interesting thing did happen. DH and I are ARES members. That stands for Amature Radio Emergency Services. We are also weather spotters. I was amazed to learn that NOAA takes HAM radio weather reports very seriously. Last night when we started having storms there was a period of pea sized hale. The coordinator told us to report hail and he would contact the weather service in KC so they could focus in the area having hail looking for tornadic activity. So I reported the hail and sure enough, within 15 minutes a tornado warning went up to the east of our location. Score one for ARES!

Feeling better this morning. Woke up at 6:30 ravenous which I haven't been lately so good sign. Yeah, I'm hoping the docs will understand @ronott1. DH and I aren't the average patients thanks to our medical background. Docs usually listen to us when we say we are having trouble with a medicine. Like I told one. I live with this body 24/7 and have learned to listen to what it is telling me. Problem with the Rheumy is they are the only show in town between here and Columbia. I started cleaning the big coop yesterday so I woke up stiff and sore this morning. I may start up the MTX next week with a lower dosage but I'm staying away from the Allopurinol for the time being.

No plans for today. Need to check outside for 'flood' damage. Think I'm going to kick back and work on my quilt top today. I have two rows done on it with 3 or 4 more to go. Y'all have a good one!
Morning all!

Severe storms all night here. This is how I feel this morning.:caf. DH just checked the rain gauge. 3.75 inches since last night. Glug is all I can say and it's still raining with more storms showing up on radar.

One interesting thing did happen. DH and I are ARES members. That stands for Amature Radio Emergency Services. We are also weather spotters. I was amazed to learn that NOAA takes HAM radio weather reports very seriously. Last night when we started having storms there was a period of pea sized hale. The coordinator told us to report hail and he would contact the weather service in KC so they could focus in the area having hail looking for tornadic activity. So I reported the hail and sure enough, within 15 minutes a tornado warning went up to the east of our location. Score one for ARES!

Feeling better this morning. Woke up at 6:30 ravenous which I haven't been lately so good sign. Yeah, I'm hoping the docs will understand @ronott1. DH and I aren't the average patients thanks to our medical background. Docs usually listen to us when we say we are having trouble with a medicine. Like I told one. I live with this body 24/7 and have learned to listen to what it is telling me. Problem with the Rheumy is they are the only show in town between here and Columbia. I started cleaning the big coop yesterday so I woke up stiff and sore this morning. I may start up the MTX next week with a lower dosage but I'm staying away from the Allopurinol for the time being.

No plans for today. Need to check outside for 'flood' damage. Think I'm going to kick back and work on my quilt top today. I have two rows done on it with 3 or 4 more to go. Y'all have a good one!
I hope your weather straightens out soon, Micro!

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