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Today's activities got waylaid by the orchard.

Life is... Well, you know the rest.
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Normally the birds let us know when the cherries are ripe. Today it was the garbage men! On their rounds they noticed that birds were getting the fruit and respectfully asked -- since they had 10 spare minutes on their route -- if they could harvest some. Plenty to share! (I am chuckling, though, at the thought that errant pits are going to be flying out from either side of the truck as they wend on down the road and sample the harvest.)
No way! Ours are still yellow.
Hydrogen Peroxide has never caused me a problem. Somebody told me years & years ago to use it to flush out a puncture wound. I didn't die so I guess it was okay. Of course a lot of things we did as kids/teenagers, young adults probably would kill us today :idunno
I was told by a Dermatologist to dab my age spots with it on my hands and arms to lighten them.
Raining..again. Hey Ron...saw that there were so many lady bugs hatching, that it showed up like a big storm on radar. In California.
We do have a lot of them here!

The place where we go to get them in the mountains burnt up last year so I do not know if they are there.

The sierra Nevada mt. range sucks the bugs up out of the valley in the evenings in the summer-- feeds the fish in the creeks
My Grandfather on Mom's side lived to 102!
So did my grandma. On her 100th birthday, she was reading her cards out loud with one of my cousins. She came across one that wished her a happy birthday "and many more". She looked at my cousin and said with disgust, "Many more! Why would I want many more? I don't want to live forever!" We found her reaction quite amusing.

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