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Every time she chomps down on me I think of SCGs perpetually broody turkey hen....I miss those reports.....and seeing SCG's beautiful quiliting projects.

Has anybody heard from her lately?
Thanks @getaclue. If you talk to her tell her she is missed, please.

Awwww you guys. Clue told me you were asking about me, or rather TBTFH...

Turkey is just fine. It's still the season of "Not Quite Spring" here in Maine (it snowed on Wednesday and Thursday I needed the air conditioning in my car), so she's not laying. I anticipate late April to early May for her first egg, and then 3 weeks later for the months of agony and anger to begin.

I've been... tired. March and most of April were extraordinarily busy for me at work. I put in so many hours. So. Many. Hours. Last weekend was the first weekend I've gotten off. I've put in my normal hours, overnight hours, night hours, weekend hours, hours hours. I've dealt with 0100 crises and so many problems I never dreamed I'd have.

And in between the So. Many. Hours, I've been sewing face masks and headbands with buttons as ear protectors for elastic masks. This weekend is hopefully my last batch of homemade face masks.

I've had a mask on my face for so long I'm starting to dream I'm in Alien.

I made my public-use face mask out of outhouse fabric. It's my own thinly veiled social commentary on this crappy situation.

Other than working and sewing, I've been working out. It's really helped during this stressful time and I've lost a little over 20 lbs (and put on a bunch of muscle) in the last 6 months or so. It's been great for my back and knees, but not so great for Ripley, anymore. You see, 3 weeks ago I also decided I was going to start jogging a few times a week and I signed up for a 5K in September. I've just started doing Couch to 5K and I've been taking Ripley along since she acts like I can't go anywhere without her and we do a daily walk anyway. Well... the first half mile jog ever and I get to the lake to turn around...

Today, halfway through the jog I literally heard Ripley swear and quit, and then she basically turned into a Hound Anchor. She refused to go at any pace other than slow walking (the speed of a good sniff). She did not want to go back to the house, but I eventually won so I could finish my jog, and came home to this (and it's too bad I didn't take video of the snores):


Yeah, she's over jogging. Apparently I've found something that I can do without her.

I realize my "lofty" goal of a 5K probably isn't much to some of you, but I am not a runner. I have never been a runner, nor have I wanted to be a runner. But I need a good personal challenge and I've got this. I also have to do the 5K carrying a freakin' pumpkin... I'll start running with my small kettlebell in a few weeks. I'm not sure what my neighbors are going to think...

Hope you enjoyed my update. Miss y'all.
When I was in early 20's had to give up showing Cockers. You have to kneel to pose them etc. and I could not rise gracefully - arthritis in knees. Also crouching down for too long and start to pass out. Started in same era - I'm thinking poor circulation. Doctors never found anything.

Even today though ,I can probably walk anyone into the ground. I can go and walk at a steady pace for hours (barring bathroom breaks). I can't do inclines well, sometimes even minor ones but on flat -hard ground I've done marathon distances. Came home and still felt like walking. Went out again and added another 7 miles. I am not competitive in regard to speed. But for endurance pick me!! Think(honestly) it is mind over matter. Feet complain, I tell them to shut up and keep walking.

There are things I could do but, not dumb enough to do so at 72. I will not climb on step ladders or chairs to change light bulbs etc. I have a fear of heights, and THAT is too high. I know a broken hip can be the END for women. Rather go quietly after "doing something else."
SCG that is great. Used to do the charity walks but, the entry fees plus what they required in donations got out of hand. People would see me coming over and not answer their door. They knew I needed sponsors. I was a decent runner. Before high school the kids said I was a "little tornado." but walking is much kinder on the joints .

Could never handle heat and humidity. My best walking temps are around 50F to 60F with a good breeze (not gale winds) and overcast skiles. When it's sunny I feel like I'm melting from the head down -ugh!! The only downside - it's gets lonely walking for hours., unless you go in a scenic area (not any close for me) and are able to enjoy that.
Yeah I'm good with miles and miles of walking (provided I have the right shoes and socks) but somehow you add high impact to it, and I want to die. The dog and I really are perfect for each other.

The 5K I signed up for isn't a charity run, so it's just a small entrance fee (and a pumpkin fee). I did also sign up for a virtual walk of 1968.3 miles (the full length of the Appalachian Trail) which will take me about 18 months at around 3.9 miles a day. It ends on my 40th birthday and the trail map obviously ends in Maine, so I signed up for it. I got 3.8 in today, so only 518 more days to go :lau
@superchemicalgirl! :frow

Actually you have crossed my mind more than just concerning your phlebotomist turkey and my blood letting hen. I was wondering how you were handling the real life hospital drama that is going on across the US. So glad to hear that you are doing well and staying healthy.

Keep it up! Great to hear from you and see Ripley being well...Ripley. You will do fine with your 5k. The fact that you are attempting it is worth an award all by itself.

I can't jog any longer due to my severe osteoporosis and arthritis but I can speed walk like a demon also and it wasn't that long ago that I was a competitive cyclist so keep at it.

Stay safe and stop by and visit when you can.
That is hilarious!!! Gator used to quit too!! LOL but even just on regular walks as a puppy 😂🤣 he’s lay down and plant and refuse to move!!! LOL

One time my brother decided to try to take him running and got like halfway down this pretty long road and Gator laid down and refused to go any further and his friend had to come pick them up in his truck. :lau

I don’t blame him though.... he’d never run before and never even a walk that long and he just decided to take him haha

I think it’s great you’re doing a 5K though!!! I should start doing that myself hah

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