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Reminds me of once long ago, my brother got sick on a camping trip. He was complaining how bad he felt. My Dad said, oh it can't be that bad. Then my Dad got it. He admitted, it really was that bad.
It's a Dad's job.
Our youngest two (9 and 11 ) had covid for second time couple weeks ago. Me the wife and 18 and 13yr old dd's didn't get it this time. Not sure why.
After grand daughter's wedding, daughter and SIL and grandson from California got Covid, but no one else got it. At Christmas youngest grandson came home from college and immediately broke with Covid. Daughter and SIL did not get sick then. There's no figuring out this strange virus. My fear is that instead of attenuating one of these strains will become more virulent.
So have I, DW, with her RA, has had 4. But she picked up Covid 2 weeks ago yesterday at her aunt's funeral and family gathering that followed. Came home sick midday Tuesday, I came down with it Thursday (thanks for sharing honey ;) ). I was pretty much back to normal Saturday afternoon. She still has sinus problems but that could be a sinus infection or something. She doesn't have any of the Covid symptoms she had originally.

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