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I WANTED to be slow today. Didn't happen that way. We went to eat, took kids to school, picked up my truck (Ford detailed it yesterday), and made it home by 8:30 am to meet the water conditioner man, who still hasn't shown up. Our water man is good, and affordable, and he's super busy, so getting him to show up promptly, unless you're water is out, is an issue. Of course, any of his clients out of water, are the first priority, so everyone else gets bumped down in his schedule. I'll be happy if he even shows up today.
High of 84 today, and low of 64 tonight. Ahhhhhh, almost perfect weather.
Oh yeah.

The rain they thought we'd get turned into less than they thought we'd get. That's a good thing, with all the snow on the ground.

My neighbor who had a heart attack in early December is back in the hospital, for the third time. The second time was to drain 3.5 liters of fluid out of her chest! This time, it's for an irregular heartbeat.
Morning all.

It's been one of those weeks here.

Tip of the day: Always check new meds the doctor gives you on and compare it with medicines that you are currently taking for serious interactions before you take the new medicine.

We caught a serious one that the doctor missed for a new med that he had giving my DH that could have had very serious consequences had he taken the new drug.

In the world called 'Perfect' medicine errors don't happen but this world isn't perfect and errors happen. Be your own best educated advocate.

Glad it's Friday and the weekend is here. The only thing I've done as far as garden preps are concerned (hard to think garden when there is a foot of melting snow on the ground) was buying grow bags to plant potatoes in this spring and a package of mixed lettuce seed.
Morning all.

It's been one of those weeks here.

Tip of the day: Always check new meds the doctor gives you on and compare it with medicines that you are currently taking for serious interactions before you take the new medicine.

We caught a serious one that the doctor missed for a new med that he had giving my DH that could have had very serious consequences had he taken the new drug.

In the world called 'Perfect' medicine errors don't happen but this world isn't perfect and errors happen. Be your own best educated advocate.

Glad it's Friday and the weekend is here. The only thing I've done as far as garden preps are concerned (hard to think garden when there is a foot of melting snow on the ground) was buying grow bags to plant potatoes in this spring and a package of mixed lettuce seed.
Medicine nor doctors are perfect. That's why they call it the practice of medicine and why doctors have nurses to save their a... when they are about to screw up. Hope all is well with you and hubby.
Last night a weather alert came over my phone, which seems to be daily lately, but I heard a term for the first time in my life...frozen fog. I yelled at hubby to come in here and I read it to him. He still works. I told him to watch out for that "frozen fog" as he just got the car washed when the temp was above freezing. :lau

It's deciphered to, slippery roads possible.
I wonder if that happens in Lindon?

High of 84 today, and low of 64 tonight. Ahhhhhh, almost perfect weather.
Only up to 38 here. The snow is about half melted. Sloppy, slushy Muduary here. Hard to believe we are almost into February already.

Right now after the -17 -18 degree temps we have been having I'm trying not to complain about temps hovering in the upper 30s.

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