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Bet those guys insurance is high
Probably so. No way to domesticate a gator that I know of. I would think he gets plenty to eat and has a cement pond to live in. Usually there is a trick roper or such for entertainment. I only saw that act once. One year they had a cowboy doing trick roping on top of his horse trailer. Bet his insurance wasn't cheap either.
I think I told this before, but years ago the Army Corp of Engineers decided they had to change the route of the Hillsborough River. It was a drought year, and it was low. Because it was low, there were very few gators. Yes, that would be the best time to dynamite the river banks, and change the course of the river.

They rigged the banks, and blew them. Alligators blew everywhere. I think every business, backyard, street, road, side road, and driveway, in Hillsborough county had at least one alligator. What the idiots in the Army Corp of Engineers didn't know is, when there is drought, not enough food, etc., alligators dig into the mud in the banks of the lakes, and rivers, then hibernate until conditions are more favorable. The banks were LOADED with hibernating alligators. They also discovered that alligators are like tanks, and for the most part, can endure the type of explosion(s) they used on the banks.

Remember I mentioned that there was a lack of food, and other resources? So now they have tons of alligators all over the county with a lack of resources for them. No dogs, cats, or any other animal was safe. It took quite a long time to get them back under control.
The local Seminole Indian Reservation here, had a Culture Center. It was really nice, and educational. Part of the experience, was the alligator wrestling show. They did the show multiple times daily, and one left with a good deal of knowledge about alligators. Yes, they can run up to 25 mph on dry land, for a short distance.

BTW, if one gets stuck under a big pick-up truck, they can totally demolish the truck in short order. I know someone that he, and his wife were lucky to get out alive. They went fishing, and didn't realize that a gator had crawled up under their truck. They got in the truck, threw it in gear, and somehow the gator got stuck. Of course it began thrashing to free itself. Within minutes the truck was in pieces, and wasn't going anywhere. The gator finally got itself free, but was still very angry, so still attacking. Fortunately, someone else drove up, and distracted the gator. They were able to crawl out of the back of the cab, and get free, while the gator was headed to do battle with the other vehicle. Once they were free, the other vehicle drove around the gator, picked up the couple, and took them to safety.
A friend that worked at the Kennedy Space Center tells of the gator problems they had when he worked there. One came in a bay and ate the tires off of a vehicle. They are not afraid of anything that I know of. They are prone to eat the udders of cows that wade into infested waters when other food is scarce. To many children have been lost that took their dog to the waters edge and the gator missed the dog and got the child. One of my father's memories.
LTAY, if you and your spouse ever get down this way again, please let me know. Maybe we could make plans to meet for lunch, or something.
My SIL still lives in St. Pete. Would love to do that. Maybe this summer when daughter can care for the chickens for a week we will. Need to check on my parents graves and see how my brothers headstone turned out.

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